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Boa tarde a todos. Criei uma task para dar reload em um documento, porém não funciona. Abaixo o log do erro,

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Starting task 'Documentos/Diretoria/Diretoria.qvw'. Id:296eaf94-877f-4c81-8ba6-59e3e75717d1. Triggered by 'ScheduleTrigger'. Id:e06a31b3-f5f5-45d2-9f4b-69aa0677076d

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: ClusterID=1

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: QDSID=8bfe3fe2-f8a1-249c-9ba2-79886bf4ea69

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: TaskID=296eaf94-877f-4c81-8ba6-59e3e75717d1

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: MaxRunTime=06:00:00

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: MachineName=SRVVGA

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Max attempts:1

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Current Attempt=0

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Opening "D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw"

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=0 of 2 (of type non-reader).

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Max retries:5

(2013-09-16 15:47:27) Information: Attempt:01

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=13268

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=1 of 2 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=2558.

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Loading document "D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw" (2.82 Mb)

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Physical FileSize=2.82 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=16.43 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=36162.80 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=36144.19 Mb. Total Physical Memory=65525.17 Mb.

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Document was opened successfully

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Starting reload

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is not set.

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw

(2013-09-16 15:47:28) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=1.12 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=36144.17 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=36134.47 Mb. Total Physical Memory=36134.47 Mb.

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw.

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Closing the document.

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=13268

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: The task "Documentos/Diretoria/Diretoria.qvw" failed. Exception:

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: QDSMain.Exceptions.DistributionFailedException: Distribute failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\DOCUMENTOS QLIKVIEW\Diretoria\Diretoria.qvw.

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.ReloadTask.VerifyConditions(TaskResult taskResult)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Error: at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:00:01.9609370

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors - completed

(2013-09-16 15:47:29) Information: Saving Task Result

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Configura nas propriedades do documento para salvar o log de execução e posta por favor

View solution in original post

6 Replies
Not applicable


Você tem um arquivo de log para esse documento?

Se você debugar o código pelo qlikdesktop pode ficar mais facil de identificar o erro.

Verifica também se o usuário que roda o serviço está com permissão no documento para rodar.


Bruno Triunfo

Not applicable

Pelo Qlik Destop funciona. o problema é que ja dei permissao para o usuario que executa a aplicação, porém o problema persiste.


Configura nas propriedades do documento para salvar o log de execução e posta por favor

Not applicable


Veja se esse post pode te ajudar:

Error executar Scirpt QMC


Bruno Triunfo.

Not applicable

Opa, através do log consegui identificar o problema, era a configuração ODBC no servidor.


Not applicable


Por isso que pedi para você ler o post, ele estava falando exatamente sobre a falta da conexão ODBC.

No post ele estava com um problema semelhante ao seu.

Que bom que resolveu.


Bruno Triunfo.