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Senhores tenho um qvw que faz a extracao de um banco de dados para gerar um qvd onde configurei um reload para tal tarefa, porem ele esta me retornando erro com o log abaixo, conseguem me auxiliar, quando realizo a carga manualmente ele executa sem nenhum problema.

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Starting task 'Roge/T/Monitor_Pedidos.qvw'. Id:31f387f6-c1ac-4939-a904-fd44667aace0. Triggered by 'ScheduleTrigger'. Id:984fead9-9b39-429c-9e87-0454452f7b71

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: ClusterID=1

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: QDSID=8e6f1647-e180-54f8-13d5-5094f06e3fa7

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: TaskID=31f387f6-c1ac-4939-a904-fd44667aace0

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: MaxRunTime=06:00:00

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: MachineName=ROGE02

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Max attempts:1

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Current Attempt=0

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Opening "D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw"

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=0 of 2 (of type non-reader).

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Max retries:5

(2017-02-22 11:54:06) Information: Attempt:01

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=4136

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=1 of 2 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=34.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Loading document "D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw" (0.61 Mb)

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Physical FileSize=0.61 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=6.42 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=16485.73 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=16473.04 Mb. Total Physical Memory=31249.61 Mb.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Document was opened successfully

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Starting reload

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is not set.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=2.11 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=16473.05 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=16463.30 Mb. Total Physical Memory=16463.30 Mb.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Error: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw.

(2017-02-22 11:54:07) Information: Closing the document.

(2017-02-22 11:54:08) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=4136

(2017-02-22 11:54:08) Error: The task "Roge/T/Monitor_Pedidos.qvw" failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw. || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.VerifyConditions(TaskResult taskResult) || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

(2017-02-22 11:54:08) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:00:02.1248947

(2017-02-22 11:54:08) Information: Sending Alert mail

(2017-02-22 11:54:09) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(2017-02-22 11:54:09) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors

(2017-02-22 11:54:09) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors - completed

(2017-02-22 11:54:09) Information: Saving Task Result

Labels (1)
13 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Tem senha no modelo? Section acess ? Deve ser parametrizado na carga tbm essa senha para esse modelo caso exista. Dentro do Qlik Management.


Tem senha na Section Acess, mas ja inclui no Reload.



Boa tarde Paulo

Gentileza disponibilize o log da aplicação (gerado pelo Qlikview) onde devem aparecer outros erros.    

Márcio Rodrigo Campestrini
Creator III
Creator III

Qual usuário esta conectado em seu servidor ?

Veja se o mesmo possui permissões nos diretórios onde esta o QVW, QVD etc.

Conexão Odbc esta DSN Sistema la no ODBC ?

Quando executa de forma manual é no próprio servidor ?



(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Starting task 'Roge/T/Monitor_Pedidos.qvw'. Id:31f387f6-c1ac-4939-a904-fd44667aace0. Triggered by 'ScheduleTrigger'. Id:984fead9-9b39-429c-9e87-0454452f7b71

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: ClusterID=1

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: QDSID=8e6f1647-e180-54f8-13d5-5094f06e3fa7

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: TaskID=31f387f6-c1ac-4939-a904-fd44667aace0

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: MaxRunTime=06:00:00

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: MachineName=ROGE02

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Max attempts:1

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Current Attempt=0

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Opening "D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw"

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=0 of 2 (of type non-reader).

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Max retries:5

(2017-02-22 17:04:06) Information: Attempt:01

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=4216

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=1 of 2 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=190.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Loading document "D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw" (0.67 Mb)

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Physical FileSize=0.67 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=6.45 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=8207.36 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=8203.21 Mb. Total Physical Memory=31249.61 Mb.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Document was opened successfully

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Starting reload

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is not set.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=1.67 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=8203.21 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=8193.98 Mb. Total Physical Memory=8193.98 Mb.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Error: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw.

(2017-02-22 17:04:07) Information: Closing the document.

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=4216

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Error: The task "Roge/T/Monitor_Pedidos.qvw" failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=D:\ROGE\T\Monitor_Pedidos.qvw. || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.VerifyConditions(TaskResult taskResult) || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:00:02.0311818

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors - completed

(2017-02-22 17:04:08) Information: Saving Task Result


Maicon a Conexao esta como User DSN

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Paulo, tente cadastrar a conexão ODBC da sua base no painel de controle, fonte de dados odbc, opção de System DSN e tenta executar.


Creator III
Creator III

Bom dia Paulo, esse pode ser um problema.

Mude para Sistema DSN e crie a conexão e faça os testes.



O aplicativo que você criou deve estar gerando um log. Ele fica na mesma pasta do aplicativo e é ativado selecionando a opção na tela "Propriedades do documento"

2017-02-23 09_19_35-Document Properties [h__qlikview_desenv_diversos_ferramentas_qlikview tools_qvd .png

Márcio Rodrigo Campestrini