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LSS task not capturing "updates"


i have a task setup from source (Microsoft SQL server) to target (Microsoft SQL server). there are three tables of which two are transactional data and i have noticed that for one of the tables, updates are not captured. Inserts and deletes are the only change processing that the LSS captures for one of the tables. This has led to discrepancies when queries are run and comparedon both the source DB and the target DB as the updates made on the source DB are not captured on the LSS task. 

A column in the table on the source DB may have 0 as the value but later it gets updated to a 1, this action/change doesnt get effected on the target DB so that particular records remains 0 on the target DB.

Has any encountered this challenge before 

2 Replies

I think I have come across this problem before and it's either because there is no primary key on the table; or replicate is not correctly set up on the database.


Maybe turn up the logging on "Source Capture" to see if there anything meaningful comes up


This is correct, there are very specific documented limitations in relation to the described scenario which can be easily circumvented:


  • If your database is not set up for MS-REPLICATION or MS-CDC, you can still capture tables that do not have a Primary Key, but bear in mind that in such a setup only INSERT/DELETE DML events will be captured. UPDATE events will be ignored.
  • Replication of computed columns is supported in Full Load replication tasks only. During CDC, INSERTs to computed columns will appear as NULL on the target and UPDATEs will be ignored.


Please let us know if this was the case.