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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

NPrinting Recipient import does not delete associated filters

Hi All,

I am creating an NPrinting application which will take the recipients from Qlikview document. While testing the import task, I am applying top 10 or top 5 in the select query which is taking the data from DB.

It updates/ inserts/ deletes the recipients correctly but it doesn't seem to handle associated filters, do anyone has any idea?

It is like the filters won't get deleted for the recipients which are deleted and when i remove the top 5 or top 10 restriction then the filters get duplicated for the people which were already present there.

Please let me know if anyone has faced the same and/or resolved it ?



6 Replies
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III


Try this helps me sirivió me a lot to keep in mind that the names of the filters should not contain special characters



Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Thanks Karen.

But i don't seem to find the answer to my problem in this link. I need to know if there is a way that the filters which were created for a particular recipient could be deleted when the recipient entry is deleted the next time.

for example, there were 3 recipients today, A, B and C. When imported, there were 3 filters created 1 for each recipient, lets say, FilterA, FilterB and FilterC.

Now when the import task would run tomorrow morning, the Recipients could be added or deleted (lets take B gets deleted this time). What i see is that FilterB still exists even when the recipient itself is deleted.

now, if a day after B again comes, then the filters are getting duplicated for B, FilterB would appear twice. Hope you getting my point here.

Please let me know if anyone has any idea to handle such thing automatically



does you solve your problem ?

I think you see your filters if you select FILTERs ? If you see filters it Looks like that These are not recipients filters - there is no relation to your recipients.

Please add column "Clear Filter Ref List" and "Filter Ref 1 to 5" to your recipient Import file !!!!

set to True or Yes, all filters associated with a recipient will be removed and substituted with new filters created during the import of recipients. If set to False, No, or not set, new filters will be add to the existing for existing recipients only.

Filter Ref 1...5: specify one or more existing filter names to associate with the recipient.


Does it helps ?


Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

This seems to be interesting.

but doesn't really fit into my use case. Unfortunately, i can't attach anything from my machine to web portal. We will resume working on this and will let the forum know what worked for us.

Thanks all.



I have the same Issue: Can you pls. write us an example for the right syntax of recipients, Filter & Filter Ref in the source file that will be imported? THX.

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator


As far as i know. You have to delete the filters manually in order to get rid of it. There is not an option to delete the Filter when the Recipient has been deleted.

Kind regards, Gerald