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I'm trying to remove the licence of a Publisher and I haven't found any way to do that!
If any one can give me a clue I'll be very glad!!!
Note: The following will remove all current tasks and rebuild the QVPR database. Please make sure to backup all files mentioned before making any changes to the files/folders.
Note: If a previous backup was created of the QVPR database dated before applying the Publisher license, you may extract the zip file to the QVPR folder at this time. The backup is located in the %ProgramData%\QlikTech\ManagementService\QVPR\Backups. If there is no backup, tasks will need to be recreated manually.
If what was intended is an update of the Publisher license in the environment, go to the QMC(v11)/QEMC(v10) and the System\License\Click on Publisher\License tab on right side and click the Update License button.
Note: The following will remove all current tasks and rebuild the QVPR database. Please make sure to backup all files mentioned before making any changes to the files/folders.
Note: If a previous backup was created of the QVPR database dated before applying the Publisher license, you may extract the zip file to the QVPR folder at this time. The backup is located in the %ProgramData%\QlikTech\ManagementService\QVPR\Backups. If there is no backup, tasks will need to be recreated manually.
If what was intended is an update of the Publisher license in the environment, go to the QMC(v11)/QEMC(v10) and the System\License\Click on Publisher\License tab on right side and click the Update License button.
Thanks Daniel! That worked fine!
They should have a "Clear Licence" button as they do with the Server licence!