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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Cluster: Dedicte one server for one document


I have acustomer that have serverl smaller applications and one HUGE 20GB+. As long as the noone open the big document, everything is fine., Bur as soon as the bog one gets opend, performance for all the other users gets terrible.

Makeing the huge application smaller is not an option and keep adding resources to he server is not an option either. So im thinking of clustering. But then i ahve one Question.

Is there a way to dedicate the guge appllication to a specific node in the cluster, and the other documents to the other server?

There is a way to make users open the document on the server that has already opend it, but that way this application can be opend on any of the servers when it opends the first time.

Is it possible to do this? And if not, what can you do?

1 Solution

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Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi Gustav,

You would do this in the QMC under the document tab>>User Documents>>qvw name >>Server tab>>Performance>> Document Control.

See below.11.20 SR5-2014-03-18-06-53-47.png


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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8 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee


You need to preload the document on the server that you want it to run on. Then change the Load Balancing setting to loaded document. This setting is under QlikView Web Server>>AccessPoint>>Server Connections.


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Alright. So how do i force a preload of a specific Qvw on a specific server?

Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi Gustav,

You would do this in the QMC under the document tab>>User Documents>>qvw name >>Server tab>>Performance>> Document Control.

See below.11.20 SR5-2014-03-18-06-53-47.png


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Ahh. There it is

Thank you.

Contributor II
Contributor II

@Bill_Britt  This is awesome.

Just to confirm, If we publish a document on Node2 and for some reason if Node2 is down. In this case will the document still be available from the central Node ?

Can you please confirm this.

Former Employee
Former Employee

You are not publishing the document to Node2, all documents are published to the root folder where any QVS in the cluster has access. However, if you are using Preloading and select never on the second server, it will not open the document.



Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hello @Bill_Britt ,

Hope this message finds you well. 

I think your last reply didn't fully answer the question. 

Let's have a cluster environment with 2 consumer nodes: QVS1 and QVS2. We made setup that App1.qvw should be always loaded on the QVS1 but not QVS2. Now, the QVS1 is going down. Will QlikView be smart enough to overrule the customize Document Availability setting and load the app on QVS2?

Much appreciated. 


Former Employee
Former Employee


No, it will not load if that server goes offline. However, you can preload it on the server you want it to run on and then set the QMC>>Setup>>QlikView Web Service>>Accesspoint>> load balancing to Loaded Document. 



Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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