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Hallo Zusammen,
ich bin mir nicht sicher ob dass möglich ist, aber vielleicht hat ja doch jemand eine Idee. Und zwar werden meine Applikationen immer früh Morgens aktualisiert, also das Script ausgeführt. Jetzt will aber ein Anwender über den Tag weg auch verschiedene Zahlen ergänzen in einer Tabelle, ist dieses möglich außer mit einer externen Datei z. B. Excel zu machen, welche dann erst am nächsten Morgen mit berücksichtig wird?
Denn aktuell gibt es diese Tabelle mit dem zugehörigen Diagramm in Excel und dort kann es eben immer ergänzt werden, wenn dieses nun aber in eine QlikView Applikation überführt wird, sehe ich dabei ein Problem ohne weiterhin parallel mit einer Excel Tabelle zu arbeiten.
Wer hat eine Idee oder ein Vorschlag?
You can expand the load script of your application so that the records from the patch-Excel are added to the main table, the main table is stored into a QVD and only if that phase completes, the actual Excel is removed.
Something like that?
Yes like that, but the Script only load in the morning and the customer would like to change some numbers and after that, he will see it in the Application, not only on the next day.
Is therefore a way?
With a Staged or Partial reload this is perfectly possible.
The first one divides your reload into two stages; a heavy stage that reloads all data from all sources and stores it either in an intermediate document (DataMart) or in a set of QVDs, and a subsequent light stage that reloads the end-user document and any data patches it finds in specific locations. The later stage shouldn't take too much time, and can be executed whenever needed (for example, every hour if managed by the Distribution Service)
The second technique uses a reload mode to only ADD/REPLACE certain tables from specific data sources. See Add - QlikView and Replace - QlikView for more informaton.
That sounds good, but how I start the later stage? That there only the secound part, which is the smaler one with one or two smal tables?
The first I start with the Reload Schedule and how or where I set the reload for the secound part?
Daisychain the two tasks, whereby the second one gets triggered by the first one completing successfully.
Do you have a Publisher?
No I have only the Server.
If I trigger the second after the first one, can the second more times on a day gooing and the first one only in the morning?
Yes that is possible, but probably not by letting the first one trigger the second one... You can however measure the average delay of the first stage (let's say it runs for 40 minutes) and of the second stage (let's say it runs for 5 minutes with or without loading a patch-excel). Then you define a schedule for stage one to run at for example 2 o'clock at night (only once) and a schedule for the second stage to run every hour at 10 minutes before the hour. The second stage will repeat 24 times a day, while the first runs only once. That's a QMC-only mechanism.
A second solution would be to use an EDX to trigger the second stage, which is set to run "On an external event". At the end of the script of the first stage, you can use an EXECUTE statement to run a tool like QMSEDX to trigger another stage. That same tool can also be used in a web page to let the end-user trigger all subsequent reload. But that requires more programming from you.
None of these techniques are as simple, powerful or flexible as the multiple trigger facility of QlikView Publisher.
Many thanks for that good explain. I will see how I realize it.
That with an external event I have in a other application as well, maybe I will do it with them.