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Hello Everyone,
Having read enough on this community, I still have not successfully deployed HTTPS/SSL on QV Accesspoint. I get this message " Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage ". The following are the approach:
1. With an already created certificate for me, I imported that certificate to the QV Webserver.
2. Successfully added the SSL certificate (Binding)
3. Included this line "<Url>https://servername:NewPort/</Url>" in the config.xml for the webserver after as the first line after the line "<config>".
4. Changed the port number under the sub-tab"communications" and checked "Use https" in the QlikView Web Servers setup
Kindly help ASAP.
Thanks, regards.
I skipped the configuration on the IIS to use SSL, which is important for getting SSL to work with QV Webserver.
Also, I didn't have to make any modifications to the Webserver config.xml
Hi, you can follow this post, if you already have a certificate start from step 2:
In the Enable SSL - QVWS.zip file there is a guid generator.
@rubenmarin Thanks for the response.
I have followed steps including your suggestions exhaustively, yet still, the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error still occurs. The snippet attached shows the port bounds correctly.
How do I troubleshoot why this error?
Hello, not sure, some of the logs usually gives some hint of the error but I usually follow the steps of the word document and I don't remember any installation using a diffrerent port than 443, if another port was used it was when accesing from outside, and the router redirected to 443 in QVS machine.
Also be sure than the thumbrint doesn't have an invisible character at start or at the end, set the cursor at the start of string and press delete until the first character is deleted and write it again (just to be sure that there is no other non-visible character), do the same at the end of string.
Some times I found the port already binded so I had to use "Netsh http delete sslcert ipport=" to unbind it.
Hello @BrunPierre .
I saw you copied in a screencap of the log files, but it did not show the relevant line. There should be a bunch and the one that indicates the AccessPoint (so when you go to http://servername/qlikview) is the one that just says /qlikview:
Information register prefix: "https://+:443/scripts/"
Information register prefix: "https://+:443/qvajaxzfc/"
Information register prefix: "https://+:443/scripts/"
Information register prefix: "https://+:443/qlikview/"
Information register prefix: "https://+:443/qvdesktop/"
Information register prefix: https://+:443/qvplugin/
So this should show your custom port.
Also, verify if the certificate was correctly bound. You can check QlikView AccessPoint and QMC with HTTPS and a custom SSL certificate and search for netsh http show sslcert for what it looks like.
If both of those are right, then the WebServer is correctly configured and is listening. That means the issue will be with a component in your environment and for that, I can unfortunately only give you some general pointers:
I skipped the configuration on the IIS to use SSL, which is important for getting SSL to work with QV Webserver.
Also, I didn't have to make any modifications to the Webserver config.xml