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How to distribute a QlikView document via email on publisher


I have a requirement for a table in a QlikView document to be distributed to a select number of users via email. I know that NPrinting is one tool which can help but I do not have an NPrinting license on my QlikView Publisher server. On the Publisher, there is the capability to distribute and email a QlikView document. I have set this up but when I run it I get the 'Warning' icon next to the task.

Would anyone know the reason why this is happening?

Is there another way I can email the QV Doc to my users?


2 Replies
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Hi Rajesh,

can you post up the log with the warnings

Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Hi RAjesh,

is it possible that u have a not valid emailadress, a warning doesent means that the distribution fails.

You will also get a warning if you dont connect all fields to a emailadress if you loop and distribute.