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Hi to all,
I want to upgrade my QlikView server from 11.0 IR to 11.2 SR12 but I don´t know how to do it. My server is a Windows 2008 R2 Server with QV 11.2 IR and Publisher. Is there some guide or manual to do this upgrade? Know somebody how to do this upgrade?
Thanks in advance.
It's not clear whether you are talking about 11.0IR or 11.20 IR?
Obtain the correct QlikView Server 11.20SR12 installer (probably the x64 installer), start the installer, answer a few questions and you're done. The update from one release to another within the 11.20 series is very simple and the installer knows very well what to do with your configurations and settings. It will even keep your license, CALL assignments, tasks etc. in good order.
Be sure to read the Release notes before you update your QlikView environment.
Hi Peter,
Sorry for the error, I want upgrade from 11.2 IR to 11.2 SR12.
Just run the installer, you'll see.
If you do not trust the installer first time around, make a backup copy of the entire C:\ProgramData\QlikTech tree on the server. That way you'll be able to roll-back to the original version (on condition that you still have the original installer) in no time.
Is your QlikView environment heavily customized, or do you run a standard installation?
Don't forget to check the Release Notes that come with the installer.
Hi Peter,
My qlikview is customized but not much. Only the path of source and user documents and the login page.
What´s happen with the publisher in the upgrade?
I'm a bit in a conflict over what I should reply to this question... nothing or everything?
In your case, the publisher is part of the QlikView Server software and as such it will get the same update as the other services ("everything"). The licenses and tasks will stay in place. The update will be transparent, so you won't actually notice a difference ("nothing")
Be sure to read the Release Notes before starting the update.
BTW did you customize the login page itself? Then you may want to make a backup. The standard distribution files may be overwritten during the update, but not the user configuration files (e.g. everything in C:\ProgramData\QlikTech)
No, I creted a new login page based in the original but in a new file.
No problem then.
If you look at the 11.20 SR12 server reference manual section 3 will give you information of upgrading.