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Publisher Issue on QV 11 SR1


We recently upgraded our Publisher to version 11 SR1 (from 10 SR4).

Following the publisher we started to experience a strange problem -

The publisher starts a task, the model is being refreshed successfully then saved successfully, the QVB proccess is being released, but the task never stops running.

By "never stops" I mean that it's indicated as running in the QMC.

Aborting the task in the QMC doesn't help.

The only thing that helps is resetting both both Qlikview Distribution Service and Qlikview Management Service.

I tried to troubleshoot it, and found out that there's a new folder under QlikTech\DistributionService\ named "EDXResult".

It seems that every task that runs logs itself in an XML file there. When the task is created it's has a "running" state in the XML, and the state is changed to "Completed" or "Failed" when it ends.

However the XML file remain in the folder indefinitely, so after two weeks of running the server we already had 42000 files there, which made accessing the folder very slow.

After manually deleting the files in the folder it seems that there is an improvement (It's only been one hour since I've done it, so I can't be sure, but it seems better now).

So this leads me to suspect that the problem described above derives from the "EDXResults" folder getting overloaded and therefore the QMS can't update the XML file of the files to "Completed" after the run is finished.

So my question is - Can this really be the cause of the problem?

And if so, is there any solution (besides creating a daily task that will delete the files)?

Thanks for reading my wall of text


24 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Hi Bill,

I have searched for this bug (#46575) in the 11.2.11922 release notes but not found it.  Can you confim if this has been fixed?  I think I was seeing the same behavious in our previous version 11.0.11414.



Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Hi. Does anyone know if this issue has been fixed? If it has, in what version? Im having similar difficulties... The EDXResults folder is Huge and has over 2 milj files in is.

Not applicable


We are experiencing similar issues on 11.2 SR2.   Over 2m files (8GB of data) and seeing very erratic behaviour between the QMC / QDS, although no errors being logged in the QMS logs, or the QDS logs. I am guessing that this is a likely candidate as the root cause.

Is it safe to delete the old EDXResult_<GUID>.xml files in the folder?  Is there a recommended window to keep the files (E.g. rolling week, month)?  I am still waiting to hear back from support, but if anyone has experience with this would be great to hear from them.



Not applicable

I heard back from support - just an FYI - these files are used by the QDS to know when the task was "Last Run", so if you have any "monthly" schedules or longer, you may need to keep a larger rolling window of these files.

In case anyone is interested in a simple script to keep a rolling window of these files (don't forget to update the paths for your environment)...

CMD /C forfiles -p "X:\QlikviewData\ClusterData\Qds\ApplicationDataFolder\EDXResults" -s -m *.* -d -60 /C "cmd /C del /S /Q @PATH"  > C:\Logs\DeleteOldQdsEdxTaskResultFiles.log


Thanks for you response, it was helpful identifying the cause.

Not sure why this issue isn't better documented and communicated by Qlik.

Only had 400k files in the edxresults folder, but I'm not sure what the threshold is for symptoms to occur.
