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We have just upgrade a server from version 11.2 SR2 to 11.2 SR5.
In our application we use text objects with images as background. Now when we open the application using the ajax client images are not shown. But in QlikView Desktop all images are displayed.
Is this bug going to be solved?
Thanks in advance,
The response from Technical Support:
"We had a bug in 11.20 SR3 called "AJAX - Images - Buttons - Objects - Disappear - Parenthesis - In AJAX Buttons/Objects/Images disappearing for one QVW with parenthesis ( ) in the file name". This bug is going to be fixed in SR6. To verify this could you try and rename the file without the parenthesis to see if the button reappears? Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks in advance."
Hi Oleg,
Oh is it now only we are doing the same migration., we are also having the text box for showing images. wait i will let you know if i am having the same issue or not.
I don't see this problem in 11.20 SR5. Image in text object is shown in AJAX client.
Maybe something specifics in your application (?)
Did you got any solution on this?? We know there was an issue similar to this. But it has been fixed in QV 11 SR1.
What is the full name of the QVW?
Are you using relative paths? or using drive path "C:\xxxx\xxxx.jpg"?
We concluded that the problem is with the document - not with QVS. If we create a new document (not Save As) and use identical preferences in text object which contains image as background or foreground everything works fine. Or we just copy the document from one server to another and everything is ok too. So the reason is in the document, but it isn't clear what exactly.
For example we use the expression for foreground:
= if ([Condition]
, 'qmem://<bundled>/BuiltIn/led_g.png'
, 'qmem://<bundled>/BuiltIn/led.png'
Thank you all for your answers! I think we'll correct this issue in our application by creating a new document.
Hi, Bill!
We faced with the problem again (images aren't shown in Ajax client). And you was right! The full name of our application contained illegal characters '(' and ')'. For example: "MyApp (actual).qvw".
But do you know the source of these restrictions? (any documentation) Because we are going to write about the incident to technical support service.
Thanks in advance,
We have experienced a similar issue but in our case it was the name of the folder that was causing it. The path to the QVW on the server was something like:
D:\Documents\Demos\Plant (post-expo)\test1.qvw
After removing the '(' and ')', all the background images started to work again.
The response from Technical Support:
"We had a bug in 11.20 SR3 called "AJAX - Images - Buttons - Objects - Disappear - Parenthesis - In AJAX Buttons/Objects/Images disappearing for one QVW with parenthesis ( ) in the file name". This bug is going to be fixed in SR6. To verify this could you try and rename the file without the parenthesis to see if the button reappears? Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks in advance."