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QlikView document failed to load with PRJ folder

Hello Community,

I have a QlikView document who has a PRJ folder. Unfortunately I get the error "The document XXXXXXXXX.qvw failed to load". That happens always if I run a publisher reload. To solve this failure I have to delete all the files in the PRJ folder and then to save the QlikView document or I have to open the document without data and then reload it. To do this every time is very disturbing. Has anyone a solution for me how could I solve this problem forever?

Thanks in advance


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6 Replies
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Hello Rumen,

I faced similar problem some time ago. I was implementing version control and one of the report kept failing to open whenever Prj folder was generated.

For me one of the custom Sheet ID's was a problem. To be honest to this moment I have no idea why, but when Sheet ID was set to "DrillDown" - report was failing with Prj folder... When I changed Sheet ID to ShDrillDown, problem stopped occurring.

So maybe for you it is something similar.

Good luck.




Hello Kuba,

Thanks a lot for your suggestion! Unfortunately I can not find any custom sheet IDs in my app. Maybe has anybody else experience with this issue?

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- Try looking not only for custom sheet IDs, but custom object IDs.

- I was pretty annoyed because of this for some time, and one day simply started removing sheet by sheet. After every removal I extracted XML files to Prj folder. After short while I found a sheet without which report opened with Prj folder. I was sure that one of the objects inside it was to be blamed for the whole issue, but for me it was Sheet's ID.

You will need some free time and lots of patience to resolve this I'm afraid...

PS. I was able to replicate my issue with Sheet ID name locally. I validated all XML files and those were ok, so unfortunately I cannot give you any clues about what is the root problem here...




Hello Kuba,

Thanks again for your feedback. I will try to find out the faulty object by the method you have described when I have little more time.



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I had a colleague with a similar issue. Any invalid item in the QVW will prevent th prj files from being created/maintained.

She used a similar approach to you, deleted one sheet at a time until the problem stopped. Then reverted to the original version to investigate that sheet.

I think it turned out to be a chart that referenced a field that had been dropped from the data model.

Drop that field from the chart and all was good, but it was a real pain to find.


Thank you for your answer Paul. Meanwhile I have worked on the failed QVW and for some time I don't have the problem anymore. Unfortunatelly I can not comprehend what I exactly changed to fix this error. Maybe as you said, it was any not existing field reference.