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QlikView log files no longer generated on timeouts

Hey all,

My company recently upgraded to QlikView 12.  Occasionally we have dashboards that timeout because our databases don't work as well as they should.  When we were using QV11, the log file would still be generated if the dashboard timed out, which we could then open and pinpoint the table that was causing the failure.  I've already looked in the folder described in this post: Re: Log file it's not saved when app crashes, and while I see other log files in there, the one for my dashboard that is timing out is not there.  Any idea where else it could be?  Or if it's not being generated at all?  The log file is definitely turned on because I see it in the folder with the dashboard when the dashboard loads successfully.

Appreciate any feedback you can give me on this one.

Thanks in advance!

9 Replies

Maybe it's caused from this user-properties to store immediate the logging-informations instead of caching them in any way.

- Marcus


Would that user property affect what happens on the server though?  The dashboard is being reloaded by Publisher.  I can see other dashboards' log files in the "Program Data" folder, but not this one.


I don't know but I could imagine that such options are also available on the server-side. Maybe some setting like the below:

   <!--  Tells the QDS how long time it should loop and check for the Documentlog to be written to disc by the QVB-->

    <add key="DistributeDocumentLogTimeoutSeconds" value="30" />

from the QVDistributionService.exe.config will work. Maybe pcammaert could give here more hints.

- Marcus

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I haven't the slightest idea why QVB suddenly refuses to generate a DocumentLog.txt. Except in situations where the reload engine isn't even started.

Nicole, what do you mean by "...we have dashboards that timeout..."? What kind of timeout is causing your task to fail? Are you sure the timeout occurs when connecting to - or reading from a database?

Is there a TaskLog available when things go wrong?




Peter Cammaert wrote:

Nicole, what do you mean by "...we have dashboards that timeout..."? What kind of timeout is causing your task to fail?

The document runs until it hits the timeout defined on Publisher:


Peter Cammaert wrote:

Are you sure the timeout occurs when connecting to - or reading from a database?

Yes.  We see this happen rather frequently because our databases aren't the best, and queries sometimes take much longer than they should.

Peter Cammaert wrote:

Is there a TaskLog available when things go wrong?

Yes.  You can see that it kills the process at the defined 80 minute timeout:

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Starting task 'ABC.qvw -- EBI --> Dashboards --> Reload & Distribute'. Id:ef04e936-da09-4164-a12a-e971f4a037ea. Triggered by 'ManualStartTrigger'. Id:00000001-0002-0003-0405-0607080a0b0c

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: ClusterID=1

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: QDSID=bda51611-9f1b-1ce0-9036-33a1a2465367

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: TaskID=ef04e936-da09-4164-a12a-e971f4a037ea

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: MaxRunTime=01:20:00

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: MachineName=QVTEST1

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Max attempts:1

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Current Attempt=0

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Opening "D:\QlikView\SourceDocuments\Dashboards\ABC.qvw"

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=1 of 20 (of type non-reader).

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Max retries:5

(2017-06-06 16:30:24) Information: Attempt:01

(2017-06-06 16:30:26) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=39736

(2017-06-06 16:30:26) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=2 of 20 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=44025.

(2017-06-06 16:30:26) Information: Loading document "D:\QlikView\SourceDocuments\Dashboards\ABC.qvw" (9.58 Mb)

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: Loading. LoadTime=00:00:01.0000879

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: Physical FileSize=9.58 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=45.79 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=493423.68 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=493397.41 Mb. Total Physical Memory=524242.55 Mb.

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: Document was opened successfully

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: Starting reload

(2017-06-06 16:30:27) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=D:\QlikView\SourceDocuments\Dashboards\ABC.qvw

(2017-06-06 16:30:28) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 16:30:29) Information: Reloading..

(2017-06-06 16:30:30) Information: Reloading...

(2017-06-06 16:30:31) Information: Reloading....

(2017-06-06 16:30:32) Information: Reloading.....

(2017-06-06 16:30:33) Information: Reloading......

(2017-06-06 16:30:34) Information: Reloading.......

(2017-06-06 16:30:35) Information: Reloading........

(2017-06-06 16:30:36) Information: Reloading.........

(2017-06-06 16:30:37) Information: Reloading..........

(2017-06-06 16:30:38) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <2> seconds.

(2017-06-06 16:30:38) Information: Reloading

(2017-06-06 16:30:40) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 16:30:42) Information: Reloading..

(2017-06-06 16:30:44) Information: Reloading...

(2017-06-06 16:30:46) Information: Reloading....

(2017-06-06 16:30:48) Information: Reloading.....

(2017-06-06 16:30:50) Information: Reloading......

(2017-06-06 16:30:52) Information: Reloading.......

(2017-06-06 16:30:54) Information: Reloading........

(2017-06-06 16:30:56) Information: Reloading.........

(2017-06-06 16:30:58) Information: Reloading..........

(2017-06-06 16:31:00) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <10> seconds.

(2017-06-06 16:31:00) Information: Reloading

(2017-06-06 16:31:10) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 16:31:20) Information: Reloading..

(2017-06-06 16:31:30) Information: Reloading...

(2017-06-06 16:31:40) Information: Reloading....

(2017-06-06 16:31:50) Information: Reloading.....

(2017-06-06 16:32:00) Information: Reloading......

(2017-06-06 16:32:10) Information: Reloading.......

(2017-06-06 16:32:20) Information: Reloading........

(2017-06-06 16:32:30) Information: Reloading.........

(2017-06-06 16:32:40) Information: Reloading..........

(2017-06-06 16:32:50) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <60> seconds.

(2017-06-06 16:32:50) Information: Reloading

(2017-06-06 16:33:50) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 16:34:50) Information: Reloading..

(2017-06-06 16:35:50) Information: Reloading...

(2017-06-06 16:36:50) Information: Reloading....

(2017-06-06 16:37:50) Information: Reloading.....

(2017-06-06 16:38:50) Information: Reloading......

(2017-06-06 16:39:50) Information: Reloading.......

(2017-06-06 16:40:50) Information: Reloading........

(2017-06-06 16:41:50) Information: Reloading.........

(2017-06-06 16:42:50) Information: Reloading..........

(2017-06-06 16:43:50) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <300> seconds.

(2017-06-06 16:43:50) Information: Reloading

(2017-06-06 16:48:50) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 16:53:50) Information: Reloading..

(2017-06-06 16:58:51) Information: Reloading...

(2017-06-06 17:03:51) Information: Reloading....

(2017-06-06 17:08:51) Information: Reloading.....

(2017-06-06 17:13:51) Information: Reloading......

(2017-06-06 17:18:51) Information: Reloading.......

(2017-06-06 17:23:51) Information: Reloading........

(2017-06-06 17:28:51) Information: Reloading.........

(2017-06-06 17:33:51) Information: Reloading..........

(2017-06-06 17:38:51) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <600> seconds.

(2017-06-06 17:38:51) Information: Reloading

(2017-06-06 17:48:51) Information: Reloading.

(2017-06-06 17:50:34) Warning: The QlikView Engine is Reloading, it will be killed (Please ignore logged warnings/errors about the kill).

(2017-06-06 17:50:34) Information: Killing the QlikView Engine. ProcessID=39736

(2017-06-06 17:50:34) Information: Reload was aborted.

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=39736

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Error: The task "ABC.qvw -- EBI --> Dashboards --> Reload & Distribute" failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. ||    at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) ||    at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) ||    at SolutionGlobal.ThreadPool.ThreadPoolJob.SafeWaitEvent(WaitHandle eventWaitHandle) ||    at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) ||    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ||    at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) ||    at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) ||    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ||    at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) ||    at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Error: Task failed with exception

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Error: Exception=The currently executing operation was aborted.

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state:FinishedWithErrors - completed

(2017-06-06 17:50:44) Information: Saving Task Result

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

The reload failure is to be expected then.

But still no trace at all of a DocumentLog in C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch?


Yup.  I see other logs in that path, but not for this specific dashboard.

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

What release of QV12 is your company running? There was a bug fix related to QVB log files not being generated correctly in QV12.10SR4...


It looks like we're running SR5, so it should already be fixed for us.  It seems like it's not something that I'm doing wrong or can fix, so I'll forward it along to our ops team so they can reach out to Qlik Support.  Thanks for the help pcammaert‌!