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QlikView mobile - Iphone app

Hi all. Has anyone had any luck in setting this up on their own servers? I've been working with it for some time and the standard doc is not helping me. The picture so far:

- QVS 9 is installed, using QV Web Server
- I've opened up the ports for http, https, Accesspoint, and 4747
- I can access the AccessPoint site via the Safari browser (using Iphone), but cannot connect via the QV Iphone app

My questions are as follows:

- Specifically what are the values to be entered in the URL section of the Servers in the Iphone app? I've tried http://<serverIP>:4747, http://<serverIP>:80, and http://<serverIP>. None can connect so far.

- Is there something else I need to have running on the QlikView server? The QV Mobile doc says nothing different has to be done with the server, but I don't have a baseline yet for what "normal" is since I am new to the QV world.

Thanks in advance!

6 Replies
Not applicable


I am having the same problem, I'm not getting anywhere with this. I am e-mailing the developer of the app at present.

Not applicable

Go through this link.This gives step by step information

Not applicable

Still didn't work for me. I get a No Connection error in the app.

Not applicable

Hi Steve,

Have you checked the Mobile Access Client option in the Server.



Former Employee
Former Employee

In the QEMC under the settings tab. Go to the webserver and check the Ajax tab. Make sure that the "Always anonymous" box is uncheck. Also, the current Iphone client will only work with version 9 SR6.

Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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I have the same problem, but found a workaround from my Iphone.

On my Iphone in the qlikview application I

1) Press the settings buttom

2) Press on my server

3) Press Done

4) Press back

Then for some reason i dont understand i can connect to my server and se the dashboards.

I running a QlikView 10 server.