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I was wondering if anyone can help me with the following. We are having an issue where the Qlikview Server hangs and then is forced to restart.
During the 10-15 minutes of hanging, the Server CPU goes crazy. Also we get an error message if an application is reloading stating the following
'Exception=System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond'
when this issue occurs. Any help on this would be greatly apprieciated.
We believe that we may have found the issue with regard to this
The problem lies in our QlikView Application. I believe
that when a QlikView application passes a certain volume of data, the
application does not behave as it should.
In this instance, our application’s data structure is made up of
multiple tables. (please see below)
When a user selects dimensions that represent different
granularities of data, for example selecting BIR Flag in the Bet
Table, Event in the Selection Table, Affiliate Name in the Customer
Table and a Date Time dimension, the issue described
below occurs. The solution to this is to try and amalgamate the majority of these data
tables (Customer, Selection and Bet) in to 1 fact table.
If you have any queries I would be more than happy to help.
Thanks very much.
Kind Regards
What version of QlikView are you running? Also, what errors are you seeing in the QVS Event logs?
Hi Bill
Thanks for getting back to me. I am running Qlikview 10 SR4 and the QVS event log (Events_DUBDC1-QVIEW-01) displays no log rows at the time of hanging.
Kind Regards
Do you have verbose logging turned on in the QEMC? Before the Hang is there any events about memory usage? Also look at your system event logs.
Hi Forrest
I have verbose logging set to High on the QEMC. I checked the Windows system event logs and the following errors occur (see screenshots below) during the time of QMS and QVS hanging. Thanks again for your help.
Kind Regards
Are you running IIS or using QlikView Web Server for this? Up until the server hung were there any users in the system? Looks like the system did not like something with the management service. Have you tried to manually reload a document or the document that is causing the Hang?
Hi Forrest
We are using the QlikView Web Server which sits on Windows Server 2008. At the time of the crash there was 15 users on the Server. I don't believe it is a capacity issue as the server has 40 cores and 512 GBs of RAM. The document that fails can be reloaded successfully when executed manually or when the server has recovered.
Please let me know if you need any other information. Thanks again.
Kind Regards
Very odd considering the environment. Was the user getting a No Connection error anything by chance? You can check your timeout settings in your config.xml file. We had some issues with things timing out and locking up the server requiring a reboot. This was more on the client side and less on the distribution side thought. I think the timeout is set to 60 seconds by default. We increased ours to 180 seconds. Again don't know if this is the issue or not. May need to put in a support ticket.
Hi Forrest
We have our time-out set to 180 seconds. From a user's perspective the access point would appear but none of our qlikview applications would appear on screen. If a user was within an application I believe the applicaion would just hang.
Thanks very much
We believe that we may have found the issue with regard to this
The problem lies in our QlikView Application. I believe
that when a QlikView application passes a certain volume of data, the
application does not behave as it should.
In this instance, our application’s data structure is made up of
multiple tables. (please see below)
When a user selects dimensions that represent different
granularities of data, for example selecting BIR Flag in the Bet
Table, Event in the Selection Table, Affiliate Name in the Customer
Table and a Date Time dimension, the issue described
below occurs. The solution to this is to try and amalgamate the majority of these data
tables (Customer, Selection and Bet) in to 1 fact table.
If you have any queries I would be more than happy to help.
Thanks very much.
Kind Regards