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Qlikview task in QMC seems running forever

Hi All,

I am experiencing a strange issue from last few days, a task in QMC seems running forever, usually it takes 3mins to run but currently its running for last 3days, have tried to stop the task manually but it didn't  work. Have restarted management services and distribution services still no luck. Finally had to restart the server still the task is running. Is this some kind of a bug in qlikview??? Is there any way to stop this task??? Has any one of you faced this kind issue???

Product Details:

QlikViewServer 64-bit Edition (x64)

Version 11.0.11440.0

Please give your valuable suggestion.



1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi, Sakir.

I don't know if you have found a  solution to your problem, but we faced a very similary problem with a task stuck at "running" after reset of the server to a previous snapshot.

Anyways, the solution I found was to delete the corresponding file in the C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\DistributionService\TaskResults\ folder or the custom folder for det QDS log files.

The file should be named something like: TaskResult_e6bcba42-95e4-4406-86e1-ac7caf4cb8ef.xml.

It should have a modified date similar to the "last execution" column for the freezed task.

Removing this file and restarting the service fixed everything for us.


Simen Kind Gulbrandsen

View solution in original post

20 Replies

Hi Sakir,

we had this issue several times, unfortunately. It seems to be a bug in QlikView.- not the only one ...

- An important thing is: Is the log file still growing or has that stopped - if it's the latter, I assume that your task isn't  
   actually running, only the icon in QMC is "frozen" - happens ... I still have a frozen "Reload NOW"-icon (the reload
    was done and finished more than a week ago)

- Usually, however, restarting the QV_Distribution_service should help. If not, I'm at my wits'  end ...

Sorry I can't help any more.

Best regards,


Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Try this and see if it fixes it ...

1)     Disable the Reload Schedule for the document under Documents > Reload (remember to click apply), then stop the job under Status > Tasks.

2)     Stop/start the Qlikview services (might just need to stop/start Distribution Service).

3)     Re-enable the Reload Schedule for the document.


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Thanks your reply.

This is not solving the problem. After re-enabling, the task again starts running .

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Thanks man for quick reply.

The log file has stopped growing. The task appears to be running is not actually running, had it been running then the server restart would have stopped the task. Right now my only concern is to stop the task.

Any idea about how to fix the "frozen" icon issue in qmc ?



Hi Sakir,

well, IS your task actually still running?

=> For me, when I right-click on the icon in QMC, it says "cannot find task" - so I assume it isn't in my instance.

As for that "frozen icon" issue, I have no idea whatsoever.

- I would try deleting - or temporarily moving - the qvw, then it should disappear as QMC cannot find it anymore - but
   at the moment I cannot do that as I still need the work done in that qvw.

- Have you tried deactivating the reload_schedule? Again, I cannot do that since the qvw in question is a
   working_copy and not scheduled for reload to begin with, I did it manually ...

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We encountered something similar but it was about 3 years ago and I can't remember the full details. But this is the best I can recall.

Check in the distribution service log area normally


Stop all Qlikview Services on the server and if there is still an XML file in the above directory then that may be the cause of your problem. Delete the files in this temp directory and start the services back up again.

When the Distribution Service starts up again it will continue with any tasks described by the xml files it finds in this temp directory.

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Hi Paul,

The temp folder in the above mentioned path is empty. Can there be any other location for this temp files???

Have raised this issue with qlik. Will keep you  posted.



Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Just checking, but do you have the document log enabled on this document, and if so, is the last line 'Execution finished'?

Not applicable

Document log is enabled. But the log has been overwritten since its a live server we had to re-run the task manually after a certain period of time. So cannot share the log.

As far as I remember execution did not get finish. It stuck somewhere in the load statement.