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How to trigger an extract for reloading based on the indicator file, here i want to observe this on QMC console.
Is there any other way to do this other than using EDX triggers.
Hi John,
Looking at the lack of responses, I don't think we understand the question.
Thanks Bill,
I'll put it in detail, My informatica tool is generating one indicator file, which means new data being updated in the database. So it generates 10 indicators per day with different names. lets say table1.ind, table2.ind,table3.ind so on. Based on these files, my qlikview extract should get triggered where Extract1 should get triggerd based on table1.ind, Extract2 will be trigerred based on table2.ind file and so on...
This can be done through batch file by using this command "C:\programfiles\qlikview\QVdistributionservice.exe"-r"C:\qlikview_document path" but in this scenario, we can't monitor Extracts on QMC, as this was a windows task.
I want this jobs to be monitored on QMC. Any suggestions, pls shoot