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Unable to delete from the Documents folder (server) ?


I have been  trying too delete this file (qw) from the Documents folder in the server. But it appears once again as a FILENAME.QVW.SHARED   ...HOW CAN I delete it forever.



4 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP

The documentname.qvw.SHARED is automatically created for each QVW on the server. You should not delete it unless you also delete the associated QVW file.


Not applicable

Hi Rob,

I have deleted the associated qvw from the folder. Though after deleting the qvw it no longer appears on the Access point.

But the filename.qvw.shared still keeps on appearing in the documents folder ( inspite of be deleted several times).

I'm using SBE qvs 11.

The problem is this inspite of deleting the qvw, it is still shown in QMC as a QVW file under the Documents tab.

And the Filename.qvw.shared keeps appearing in the Documents folder.


Former Employee

Need to put it back and they clear the task (reload) and then remove it. If you don't have the orginal anymore, just take any QVW and rename it long enough to clear it.

Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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The .SHARED will continue to be placed in the folder until all CALS associated to the document are released (you may see them in QMC as Uppercased "ghost" documents)