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Hi All,
When you open a document in the accesspoint, in the top right hand corner there is a close button, which does indeed close the document. However it leaves a blank screen with a restore button in place of close. This seems counter-intuiative as a user experience. The expectation is that when a user hits close, they are returned to the accesspoint dashboard to enable them to select another report.
Is there anyway to customise the button to behave in this way?
This code is not supported and it is server side and is for SR1 of version 11
Open the opendoc.htm with a text editor and search for
Change the localhost in the about to the URL for your server.
Place the attached opendoc.htm in the C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewAjax and restart your webserver.
This should help you.
Hi Bill,
That is indeed very usefull and something I will be implementing in future.
However, what I really want to do is return the user to the main accesspoint dashboard when they click "close", not leave them at a blank screen.
Any ideas on how to do this?
I have exactly the same query. Did you find a way to make the close button take you back the main Access Point main page?
This code is not supported and it is server side and is for SR1 of version 11
Open the opendoc.htm with a text editor and search for
Change the localhost in the about to the URL for your server.
Place the attached opendoc.htm in the C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewAjax and restart your webserver.
Thanks Bill, I'll give that a try (we are on QV11 SR1)
Well we gave this a try but are unable to get it to work - the close button works as before. I'm wondering if you can suggest anything we can do to track down the problem?
OK I have investigated a bit further - it was simply that I hadn't cleared my browser cache - once I did that it worked fine .
Thanks for this contribution, it works fine!
Do you know how to get this to work in V12.10? new opendoc.htm doesn;t reference the localhost.