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Hi. I'm using QlikView on Windows Server 2008 R2. If I upgrade Windows Server 2008 R2 to 2012 or 2016, can I improve performance?
Thank you.
Performance in QlikView relies primarily on CPU availability and speed, RAM availability and speed, as well as network and storage performance. And the design and complexity of the QlikView documents.
Switching between Operating System versions is likely not going to be providing a significant performance impact (negatively or positively).
If you are looking to improve performance in your environment, our knowledge database likely holds what you are looking for. Bring your specific queries to support.qlik.com and use the search box on the front page.
Some good stuff about performance can be found here (blog post "Troubleshooting Qlikview server performance"), as well as in this article about "how does QlikView use resources". Some best practices on hardware settings can be found here (kb 000002477).
Performance in QlikView relies primarily on CPU availability and speed, RAM availability and speed, as well as network and storage performance. And the design and complexity of the QlikView documents.
Switching between Operating System versions is likely not going to be providing a significant performance impact (negatively or positively).
If you are looking to improve performance in your environment, our knowledge database likely holds what you are looking for. Bring your specific queries to support.qlik.com and use the search box on the front page.
Some good stuff about performance can be found here (blog post "Troubleshooting Qlikview server performance"), as well as in this article about "how does QlikView use resources". Some best practices on hardware settings can be found here (kb 000002477).
I understood that it is not important if Windows Server version is old or new. Then, i'll continue with this version (2008 R2). I'll work to improve my QlikView document performace.
Thank you.
Happy to help 🙂
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Just be sure to keep an eye upon the System Requirements, as I am pretty sure Microsoft is getting ready to retire Server 2008 R2 in January of 2020, and when they do that, we will stop support of that version of the OS as well...
System Requirements link in Help:
That is for April 2019 release, you can change the dropdown to other versions just FYI.
Microsoft link regarding end of life:
Hi Brett,
Is the OS upgrade going to cause any impact to Qlikview...Do I need to reinstall any Qlik components? We just went through Qlik Upgrade on 2008R2. I hope its simple OS upgrade.
As far as I am aware, upgrading OS should not impact any of the installed programs, but the one thing that could bite you might be any Group Security Policies related to the new OS that may get applied that were not in play previously, so I would probably try to check upon that aspect, otherwise should not be an issue that I can think.
Thanks Brett. Can you refer me to any official link that talks about this?
You would want to hit the Microsoft Forums, as that is where this stuff would most likely be, we do not have any doc on Group Security Policies that may impact us etc. as far as I know.