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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

API / Get index of tab in a container


I have 5 tabs in my container. I need to find the index or the id of the chart (in a variable) for the active tab.

For exemple, If I am in the first tab, I want 1 or CH01. If I am on the second tab I want 2 or CH02.

So i use the VBScript below but vActiveIndex always give me 3 :

  dim ss

    set sheet = ActiveDocument.activesheet

    set ss = sheet.GetProperties


    select case ss.Name

        case "Evolution des rémunérations"

            Set ContainerObj= ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CT22") 

    end select



Set ContProp=ContainerObj.GetProperties


ActiveDocument.Variables("vActiveIndex").SetContent vActiveIndex, true

Do you know why the result vActiveIndex is still 3 ? Is there another solution I can workaround ?

Thank you,


5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

SingleObjectActiveIndex  works for me. Note that the index is zero based, tab 1 is index zero and so on.

You have some code here that may confound things.  What displays if you add a

msgbox vActiveIndex

Does a simple hardcoded example like this work?

Set ContainerObj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CT22")

set ContProp=ContainerObj.GetProperties


msgbox ActiveObject

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


Thank you for your answer.

I think I understand my issue. When I was in "ctrl + m" and when I tested the code, it always gave me 3 beause I was on the third index. If I change tab before test the code then it's ok, it changes the number : 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4.

However, I don't know how to make the macro always active when I click on the tab. The number of the index in vActiveIndex doesn't change when I click on an other tab. It changes only when I lauch the macro. So, is it possible to do "If I click on a tab, launch the macro" ?


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

You can set an OnActivateSheet trigger (Sheet Properties, Trigger) to run the macro (Actions, External, Run Macro). I've heard that OnActivateSheet triggers don't run reliably in the Ajax client, bu haven't tested recently,


Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Thank you for taking the time to help me.

If I understand well, "OnActivateSheet" launch macro when I change sheet.

Do you think it would works for tab in the container ?

I don't see how to do that.


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Sorry, I misunderstood.  You want to the macro to fire when you click a container tab. I don't know of any way to do that.

The workaround for the "what container tab am I on problem"  is to use buttons and conditional visibility to simulate containers.
