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[ASK] percentage - subtotal - result not correct

hello QV World...

i have problem with subtotal Percentage

below is the pivot table i've created in QV n it doesn't work

jenis_dgps ket_jenis_dgps SummaryPercentage Percentage 0 Percentage 1
pendidikan terakhir ≤ SLTA 11671 2.306 % 6.876% 0.023
D1 327 0.065 % 0.193% 0.001
D2 69594 13.751 % 41.004% 0.138
D3 4919 0.972 % 2.898% 0.010
D4 66 0.013 % 0.039% 0.000
S1 80068 15.821 % 47.176% 0.158
S2 1529 0.302 % 0.901% 0.003
S3 10 0.002 % 0.006% 0.000
≥S2 1539 0.304 % 0.907% 0.003
Subtotal 169723 33.536 % 100.000%
status pegawai NIP-13 14389 2.843 % 8.556% 0.028
NIP-15 91938 18.166 % 54.665% 0.182
NIP Daerah 8924 1.763 % 5.306% 0.018
Non-PNS 52933 10.459 % 31.473% 0.105
Subtotal 168184 33.232 % 100.000%
tempat mengajar TK 1563 0.309 % 0.929% 0.003
SD 122667 24.238 % 72.936% 0.242
SMP 26699 5.276 % 15.875% 0.053
SDLB 204 0.040 % 0.121% 0.000
SMPLB 40 0.008 % 0.024% 0.000
SMA 11079 2.189 % 6.587% 0.022
SMK 5913 1.168 % 3.516% 0.012
SMALB 19 0.004 % 0.011% 0.000
Subtotal 168184 33.232 % 100.000%
506091 100.000 % 100.000%

dimension are :

1. jenis_dgps

2. ket_jenis_dgps

expressions :

1. summary : sum(sumz)

2. Percentage : sum(sumz)/sum(Total sumz)

3. Percentage 0 : Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps> sumz)

4. Percentage 1 :

pick(dimensionality(), null()

, sum(sumz)/sum(Total sumz)

, Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps> sumz)


the problem is..

expression percentage is for Total percentage

expression percentage 0 is for subtotal percentage

expression Percentage 1 is for both

but Percentage 1 doesn't show like it have to show (wrong result)

question :

what's wrong with my syntax?

i really need helps

many many thx..

4 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

I think you only need to add a "+1" to your Pick Expression's first argument.

pick(dimensionality() + 1

     , null()

     , sum(sumz)/sum(Total sumz)

     , Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps> sumz)


... That, and apply the correct format.


Miguel García
Qlik Expert, Author and Trainer
Not applicable

thx Mig..

it worked

Not applicable

hello mig..

i triied ur solution, but there's no result for Total

what is pick() function format?

Not applicable



     , Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps> sumz)

     , Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total sumz)

     , Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps> sumz)

     , Sum(sumz)/Sum(Total <jenis_dgps,ket_jenis_dgps> sumz)


result :

jenis_dgps ket_jenis_dgps Nama_Prov Jumlah Percentage
pendidikan terakhir ≤ SLTA
11671 6.876%
327 0.193%
69594 41.004%
4919 2.898%
66 0.039%
80068 47.176%
1529 0.901%
S3 Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 3 30.000%
Jawa Barat 1 10.000%
Kalimantan Selatan 1 10.000%
Nusa Tenggara Barat 5 50.000%
Sub-Subtotal 10 0.006%
1539 0.907%
169723 33.536%
status pegawai

168184 33.232%
tempat mengajar

168184 33.232%

506091 100.000%