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Advance Combo Gauges

Hi All

Heres an interesting one (Hopefully haha).

I've had an request come in from my client surrounding the ability for QlikView being able to create gauges that are able to display multiple dimensions and expressions. Itd be great if anyone has suggestions or ideas for this.


Is QlikView capable of creating combo gauges that contain multiple dials (dual pointers) that relate to different expressions and dimensions.

So within the same gauge/control; is it possible to have;
1. a radial range in the gauge? i.e. a triangle coming out from the centre.
2. Is it possible to also have the normal circular gauge in there as well so the multiple calculations can be compared?

Ie something along the lines of > (The top left gauge example)


would it be possible to use active x and integrate these in from the company above? ^^

Look forward to hearing everyones feedback

6 Replies

It's not possible now and I hope it never will be. Gauges are abominations from a visual design point of view. They are horribly inefficient in both the amount of space they take up and their ability to convey information in a consise and clear way.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand


isn't the gauge at the top left quite similar to the gauges that QV offers right out of the box?


You can define several colored segments in a gauge, where the segement borders can be set dynamically by expression.


You can even get your triangle style segment by increasing the cylinder thickness in the presentation tab of the gauge properties:


Not applicable


It is similar, however there is an extra expression being calculated for the Light bit on the outer edge of the red triangle. I think the example I gave isnt great to be honest.

Basically I want there to be more context given to the gauge if we decide to implement/develop these. Do you know if theres is an ability to calcualte multiple expresions in a gauge?


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I do agree with you about Gauges generally be a second choice, but for the purposes of the dashboard Im developing they could prove extremely useful from an excetutive view point. However, Ill need the multi expression or combo gauge functionality for this to work... Its more the context of the information being displayed that Im concerned about.


Could you explain what you need to present? Perhaps there's an alternative way to show the information cleary.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

It is similar, however there is an extra expression being calculated for the Light bit on the outer edge of the red triangle. I think the example I gave isnt great to be honest.

Basically I want there to be more context given to the gauge if we decide to implement/develop these. Do you know if theres is an ability to calcualte multiple expresions in a gauge?


I just can't see this light bit on the outer edge, sorry (or I am maybe looking at the wrong gauge). I agree with gwassenaar, that it would be helpful if you could explain with a little example (just a simple business case, in a few words) what you need to present.