I have a simple application with three dimension tables (Customers, Products, and Calendar) and one fact table where I concatenated orders and invoices details.
My keys are as follows:
- Customers table/Fact table = Customer Number
- Products table/Fact table = Product Number
- Calendar/Fact table = Date
I now received a budget table set up like this:
- Product Number
- Customer Country
- Customer Type
- Sales Division
- Month
- Value
What I would like to do, is to follow orders/invoices and budget by product, country, month, and customer type. I concatenated the budget table to the fact table, and I was able to do it by product and date, because the links are obvious. But I'm not sure how to follow the budget by country. I don't have any customer number in my budget table, so I don't see how I can link these two.
Any help?