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Alternate States and Excel export (i.e. Selection Status)

I'm having an issue using Alternate States and exporting data from a chart into Excel.

I'm using a chart that contains "Client Name", "Month and Year", and "Product" objects from the 'inherited' alternate state (i.e. the chart's alternate state is 'inherited') .  I'm also using a List Box as a filter for a "Country' object which uses a "Country' alternate state for the List box (i.e. the chart expression uses set analysis -- Countryname= p({COUNTRY}) .

When I export the chart data to Excel, the Selection Status section of the Excel spreadsheet shows the  "Client Name", "Month and Year", and "Product" object and the values used in the chart, but the List Box filter for "Country" is not shown.  If the List Box changed its alternate state standing to 'inherited'  then the Country object and value would appear (i.e. the Country object needs to have it's own alternate state).

Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?

Thanks for your help.

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