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I had an expression like this which is working on current selection.
Count(Distinct{$<TableFlag={Application},[Month (#)]={$(=Max(Month))},Year={$(=num(Max(Year)))},FiscalYear=,FiscalQuarter=>}Application_Number))
I wanted to do branchwise comoparisn over this expression.
I took two list boxes and created two alternate states- state1 and state2.
How to apply alternate state as well as current selection in above scenario?
An expression may work on a state or on current selection, obviously you may use 2 or more expressions in a chart.
if you need your expreession to work with alternate state write:
Count(Distinct{$ state1 <TableFlag={Application},[Month (#)]={$(=Max(Month))},Year={$(=num(Max(Year)))},FiscalYear=,FiscalQuarter=>}Application_Number))
let me know
Hi Tresesco,
I had two list box; BranchName A and BranchName B-both of which are same;just their alternate state is different.
I had a bar chart which have month as dimention and two expressions-one for BranchName A listbox and second for BranchName B listbox.
When I select one branch from BranchName A and one from BranchName B, then bar chart should show two bars- one for expression one and second from expression 2.
How to write these two expression.
Count(Distinct{$<TableFlag={Application},[Month (#)]={$(=Max(Month))},Year={$(=num(Max(Year)))},FiscalYear=,FiscalQuarter=>}Application_Number))
Hi Alexandros17
Thanks, but above expression doesn't work.
My requirement is like this:
I had two list box; BranchName A and BranchName B-both of which are same;just their alternate state is different.
I had a bar chart which have month as dimention and two expressions-one for BranchName A listbox and second for BranchName B listbox.
When I select one branch from BranchName A and one from BranchName B, then bar chart should show two bars- one for expression one and second from expression 2.
How to write these two expression.
Count(Distinct{$<TableFlag={Application},[Month (#)]={$(=Max(Month))},Year={$(=num(Max(Year)))},FiscalYear=,FiscalQuarter=>}Application_Number))
Here it is my example