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Alternate states and possibility to connect charts

Hi Community,

In my sheet I've created 2 identical multiple box selection, one in Group 1 and the other in Group 2 as alternate states, where Customer, Region, Area, etc... can be selected.

Then, based on this selections, I've created 2 identical charts, which are not simple charts, but rather charts with expressions in cycle group. Now I'm trying to synchronize these charts, I mean if I choose to see the third expression of the cycle in the chart with group 1, automatically I would like to see the third expression of the cycle even in the chart with group 2, without the need to select again the wanted expression. Is it possible? I've tryed introducing in etl a table with 2 fields: 1 contained the names assigned to the expressions (Total Sales, Total Incomes, etc...), 1 contained the expressions themselves (sum(Sales), sum(Incomes), ...), so that if I selected in the first field the name "Total Sales" then in the chart the relative expression sum(Sales) would be accepeted... and the 2 charts would be synchronized. But it doesn't work till fields and charts have different states.

Any suggestion? Any idea?

Thank you so much


1 Solution

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Hello Irene,

look for my example.



View solution in original post

2 Replies
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Hello Irene,

look for my example.



Not applicable

Thank you Dariusz, your answer is really useful.

In the meantime I've found even another way to solve my problem, that is: I set the Alternate State of the charts as 'inherited' or 'pre-defined' and then I imposed Group 1 e Group 2 as Alternate States in set analysis in the expressions. In that way I could introduce for each expression a condition for its visualization, condition connected to an event of selection on a field which I created in etl just to contain the names of the expressions. Then if I select 'Sum Sales' in the field, it will appear only 'Sum Sales' in the charts symultaneously.

I admit your solution is more complete and flexible, I will find it useful even in the future.

Thanks again