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Hi Guys
My vendor has request:
Qlikview App users (Clients) when open an app from access point can Append text to a shared text file on server
how can I do this for him
I did it finally by mu self
I Use this Macro
'---------------------------------Start of Macro--------------
sub Append
Const ForAppending = 8
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'-----this is the address of shared file
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("\\Server IP\...\textreport.txt", ForAppending)
'---I need to variable that i define them here
Set var1 = ActiveDocument.Variables("vInput")
var = var1.GetContent.String
Set var2 = ActiveDocument.Variables("vQVUser")
var3 = var2.GetContent.String
objFile.Write "" &var3& "," &var& ","&now
end sub
By using the IE plugin a macro similar to this one: VBS. openOutputFile issue could be used (the second parameter by OpenTextFile needs to be 8 for appending data). By using the AJAX client it won't be possible.
- Marcus
I did it finally by mu self
I Use this Macro
'---------------------------------Start of Macro--------------
sub Append
Const ForAppending = 8
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'-----this is the address of shared file
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("\\Server IP\...\textreport.txt", ForAppending)
'---I need to variable that i define them here
Set var1 = ActiveDocument.Variables("vInput")
var = var1.GetContent.String
Set var2 = ActiveDocument.Variables("vQVUser")
var3 = var2.GetContent.String
objFile.Write "" &var3& "," &var& ","&now
end sub