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Apply Map/ Left Join to get only one value


I have a scenario where in my main table is like:

Account_No      BSG         Volume

A123                   1                100

A123                   2                50

A123                   3                80

A867                   1                1000

Now I have another table which is like :

Account_No              Sales

A123                           850

A867                           900

I have to get the sale values in the main table. The problem I am facing is that if I use a Left Join with Sales table my Sales number will get inflated or duplicated since there are more than one same Account No in the main table. Appply map will go the same.

The desired output is:

Account_No      BSG         Volume      Sales

A123                   1                100            850

A123                   2                50

A123                   3                80

A867                   1                1000          950

10 Replies

If there is no association between BSG/Volume and Sales required, you might as well concatenate these tables instead of joining them (or just leave them separated).

hope this helps

