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Hi Community,
Currently I am using below expression to associate of non associated values(GA 6- 'A.08', 'A.08a', 'A.08b') to lineno 129K. This working perfectly but now with only dimension of Lineno but now we are adding other dimensions as well then it is not working as expected. Can any one please advise on this.
If(Only({1}LineNo) = '129k', Sum(TOTAL {<GA6 *= {'A.08', 'A.08a', 'A.08b'}, LineNo>} BSAmount), Sum(BSAmount))
Refer: Associating UI level if possible this to have more clarity on this.
Can you try like this:
If(Only({1}LineNo) = '129k', Sum(TOTAL {<GA6 *= {'A.08', 'A.08a', 'A.08b'}, LineNo, NewDimension>} BSAmount), Sum(BSAmount))
Or let us know what is the new dimension you are adding, a sample will be helpful.
there are couple of dimension(50+)
still this expression is not helped.
If(Only({1}LineNo) = '129k', Sum(TOTAL {<GA6 *= {'A.08', 'A.08a', 'A.08b'}, LineNo, NewDimension>} BSAmount), Sum(BSAmount))