Hi Guys,
I have this dummy data:
Name Price
A 100
B 105
C 95
D 80
I want to do the following thing with it: I want every number in the Price column to have a background color code as follows:
100 should be green for being the first number in the column
105 should be green because it's in the firstNumber (100 in this case)*0.95 and firstNumber*1.05 range
95 should be green because it's in the firstNumber*0.95 and firstNumber*1.05 range
80 should be red because it's not in the range
This is a pivot table. Also, I've tried with if(Price<First/Top(Price)*1.05 and Price>First/Top(Price)*0.95, green(), red()) but didn't get the desired result. Any ideas?
PS: I have the free version so I cannot open qvw files, so please try to explain your answer by writing, not attaching a file