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my straight table looks like this:
Element Value
POS1 100
POS2 50
POS3 50%
Element is a Dimension and the value is caluclated in an expression.
My Problem is, im not able to calculate the percentages from POS2 of POS1 and show them in Element POS3, how would be the formula there?
My Expression for the value of POS1 and POS2 is simply sum(amount)
For POS3 I was trying to pull something like this off: sum({Element={'POS2'}Amount) / sum({Element={'POS1'} Amount) but its just showing nothing (-) as a result
PS: The Value Expression overall looks like this:
if(Element='POS3',sum({Element={'POS2'}Amount) / sum({Element={'POS1'} Amount),sum(amount))
Any suggestions how to achieve this? I think the Problem is, that in the dataset behind, there are no amount-values for POS3, since it has to be calculated in the table based on other Element-dimension, is that right?
PPS: When working with more expressions, I remember that something like this is working =column(1)/column(2) might this be possible on a row-based-level?
this will work for you
if(Element='POS3', num(sum(total if(Element='POS2',Value))/ sum(total if(Element='POS1',Value)),'##0.0%'), num(Sum(Value),'#,##0'))
this will work for you
if(Element='POS3', num(sum(total if(Element='POS2',Value))/ sum(total if(Element='POS1',Value)),'##0.0%'), num(Sum(Value),'#,##0'))