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Contributor III

Calculating measures from two dimension tables in a Fact table


I have two dimension tables (say Dim A and Dim B) and a fact table (say Fact). Both dimension tables are linked through it's own keys.

There is another look-up table that is used to filter the data on the fact table. (For e.g. Region and country to filter country specific data)

The data is filtered nicely on Dim A measures although not on Dim B and I'm sure I'm missing something in the FACT table Load.

Unfortuantely, I won't be able to upload any qvw or show any fields due to data security reasons, but has anyone built a fact table with measures from multiple tables linked to a look-up table so that this look up table can filter data on both measures.

Many Thanks for your help.

2 Replies
Contributor III

Please ignore the label. Not answered yet.

Specialist II

Not sure I have understood you correctly  but do you want a common filter to be applied to multiple fact table through a look up table ?


load  filter

From  Lkup ;


load * from Fact

where exists(Col1,Fact1.Col);


load * from Fact

where exists(Col1,Fact2.Col);

This wouldn't disturb the join between the fact tables but will apply common filter based on the lookup table