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I have data with multiple timestamp pro day. What i need is to calculate the time between first en last stamp pro day. In example below the tme between 07:04:09 and 14:31: 49 is 07:27:40.
Can somebody help me? Thanx!
License Plate | Time | Number of emptyings |
59-BDS-6 | 07:04:09 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 07:51:15 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 08:06:26 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 08:41:22 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 09:56:20 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 09:59:08 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 10:59:29 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 10:59:50 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 11:24:30 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 11:25:40 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 13:56:40 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 13:59:48 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 14:23:36 | 1 |
59-BDS-6 | 14:31:49 | 1 |
The result must be:
License Plate | Total time spent | Number of emptyings |
59-BDS-6 | 07:27:40 | 14 |
Time(max(Time#(Time, 'hh:mm:ss'))-Min(Time#(Time, 'hh:mm:ss')), 'hh:mm:ss')
try like below
dimension- License Plate
Expression_1(Total time spent)- Time(FirstSortedValue(Time,-Time)-FirstSortedValue(Time,Time),'hh:mm:ss').
Expression_2(Number of emptyings)- count([Number of emptyings]).
See below screenshot
Time(max(Time#(Time, 'hh:mm:ss'))-Min(Time#(Time, 'hh:mm:ss')), 'hh:mm:ss')
One solution :
License Plate, Time, Number of emptyings
59-BDS-6, 07:04:09, 1
59-BDS-6, 07:51:15, 1
59-BDS-6, 08:06:26, 1
59-BDS-6, 08:41:22, 1
59-BDS-6, 09:56:20, 1
59-BDS-6, 09:59:08, 1
59-BDS-6, 10:59:29, 1
59-BDS-6, 10:59:50, 1
59-BDS-6, 11:24:30, 1
59-BDS-6, 11:25:40, 1
59-BDS-6, 13:56:40, 1
59-BDS-6, 13:59:48, 1
59-BDS-6, 14:23:36, 1
59-BDS-6, 14:31:49, 1
load [License Plate],sum([Number of emptyings]) as [Number of emptyings], Interval ( (time(max(Time))) -(time(min(Time))) , 'hh:mm:ss' ) as [Total time spent] resident Data group by [License Plate];
drop table Data;
output :
try like below
dimension- License Plate
Expression_1(Total time spent)- Time(FirstSortedValue(Time,-Time)-FirstSortedValue(Time,Time),'hh:mm:ss').
Expression_2(Number of emptyings)- count([Number of emptyings]).
See below screenshot
Thank you very much!