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Can I disable user unlock a locked field in QV?

Hi,  I have a locked field for somepurpose which don't want user unlock it, could I?

5 Replies
Partner - Master
Partner - Master


I've locked the field and included triggers (must be in this order)

On the field, onUnlock event I include lock (so, when it's unlocked I lock it back!)

The problem was that the user could use the clear button with the option with the option 'Unlock and Clear'

Then, on the same field I included on the OnSelet Action:

1 - Back (so I go back to the point before the clear button - this will lock my field back too)

2 - Clear (since my field is locked and the user tried to clear, I use a clear, protecting the locked field)

Please, check attachment. Tell me if it's possible to unlock it somehow ( of course, you can remove the trigger, but this would not be possible on a client - server environment)

Hope it works in your case


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Hi, how can you lock the field when document opened in the first time.?

Your sample is good. But I want to add it to my formal qvw which has a trigger when document opened the field is selected. But it doen't work, it seems these two triggers are not work well together.

Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Hi, it took some time and some help from Rakesh here:

The following sub can recreate the actions I put on the field on my first attachment.

So, whatever you need you can just execute and after you just call this:

It plays with the field TEAM. I see that i can be optimized but I works

sub addAction

    set fld=ActiveDocument.GetField("TEAM")

    set fp = fld.GetProperties

    set actions=fp.OnSelectActionItems


    actions.item(0).type = 6


    actions.item(1).type = 4

    'for i=0 to actions.Count-1

    ' msgbox "Action types: " & actions.item(i).Type


    fld.setproperties fp


    set fld2=ActiveDocument.GetField("TEAM")

    set fp2 = fld2.GetProperties

    set actions2=fp2.OnUnlockActionItems


    actions2.item(0).type = 6


    actions2.item(1).type = 28

    'for i=0 to actions.Count-1

    ' msgbox "Action types: " & actions.item(i).Type


    fld2.setproperties fp2



end sub



Not applicable

Nice little VBA block -- So, if you deploy that on a server, and then to an iPad, does it work?

Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Hi, for the fist sample app, I only used action so it should more all right.

For the second one, I would need the onOpen trigger and some macros, then I'm not so sure if it would work.

I'd like to know if there would be a difference for macro behaviors in iPad client and QV running on ajax on safari browsers.

If you are able to try it, please let me know the results.

