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I'll explain my current situation in 4 points :
1) I wrote a calendar :
LET vMinDate = Num(Makedate(2015,1,1));
LET vMaxDate = Num(Makedate(Year(Now()),Month(Now()),Day(Now())));
LOAD date($(vMinDate)+IterNo()-1) as MaDate
WHILE $(vMinDate)+IterNo()-1<= $(vMaxDate);
MaDate as Date,
Year(MaDate) as Annee,
'T ' & Num(Ceil(Month(MaDate)/3),'(ROM)0') as Trimestre,
Month(MaDate) as Mois,
dual(applymap('MonthMap', Month(MaDate)), Month(MaDate)) as MoisNom,
MonthEnd(MaDate)as DateFinMois,
Week(MaDate) as Semaine,
Year(MaDate) & ' ' & Num(Week(MaDate), '00') as AnneeSemaine,
Weekday(MaDate) as JourSemaine,
Day(MaDate) as Jour
2) I have a table with documents :
Load *, TextBetween("doc_statement", '<METAITEM NAME="UnofficialTitle"><VALUE>', '</VALUE></METAITEM>') as documenttitle,
TextBetween("doc_statement", '<METAITEM NAME="ToProject"><VALUE>', '</VALUE></METAITEM>') as projectid,
Year(doc_insertdate) & ' ' & Num(Week(doc_insertdate), '00') as AnneeSemaine;
SQL SELECT "doc_docno",
Year("doc_insertdate") as Annee,
Month("doc_insertdate") as Mois,
FROM SI360PRD.dbo."doc_document";
3 ) I have a table with projects (one document has a foreign key "projectid" pointing to his project)
SQL SELECT "pr_recno" as projectid,
"pr_ct_owner" as contactId,
FROM SI360PRD.dbo."pr_project";
I have a chart, with
Dimension : AnneeSemaine
Expression : =count(doc_key)
I want my chart to show a line even for the dimensions where expression value is 0.
So I went to chart properties > presentation > uncheck 'suppress zero-values' and it is working fine.
But when I select a departement (pr_project.pr_desc) , the chart updates itself, and the zero values are ignored, just as if the 'suppress zero-values' was checked !
Can you help me please ?
Thank you in advance,
Is your dimension YearWeek? Wouldn't a sort by number or text just work then?
I am not really sure what causes this, but if you need to use a sort expression, try adding the set analysis to the expression as well:
=Max({1<Annee = p(Annee), Mois=p(Mois)>} YearWeek)
sorry again let me complete :
Now the order of my dimension is messed up... when I select a departement.
and the zero values disapear when I select a departement too.
Otherwise it is fine.
Ok !
So :
Expression : =Rangesum( count(doc_key), Sum({1<Annee = p(Annee), Mois=p(Mois)>} 0) )
and sort expression : =Max({1<Annee = p(Annee), Mois=p(Mois)>} YearWeek)
(and Presentation : Suppress zero values)
is the solution for me.
Thank you a lot, your help is very appreciated, Stefan.