Multiple sheets having certain relation to each other. To illustrate: sheet 1,2,3 are related, sheet 4 is unrelated, sheet 5 and 6 are related with each other and to top it off, sheet 7 is partially related to 1,2,3.
When moving to another related tab fields should stay selected. When moving to an unrelated tab fields should be cleared. When moving to a partially related tab 5 fields (of the 100+) should be kept selected. I saw this thread:
Clear all Selections except few fields
Where the solution (from Michiel van de Goor) is:
On active sheet I set 3 triggers:
Select in field <Year> with the expression: =GetFieldSelections(Year)
Select in field ....
Select in field ....
for each dimension I want to keep selected.
Which could be a solution for the partial related sheet. Is there way of scripting the clear all fields function depending from which tab it arrived?