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Contributor III
Contributor III

Combined set analysis

Hi community,


I have an expression that looks like this: 


The ignore fields variable is used to ignore selections in certain list boxes.

Now I also want to include in the set analysis that only values at max date should be summarized for FC_HistoricalForecast. (i.e. somthing like this: Sum({<[Date]={'$(=Max([Date])'}>} Value)

How do I combine this into the set analysis? 


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10 Replies

What about this?

=Sum({[P1]*$<$(sIgnoreFieldsWF)>} If(Date=Max(TOTAL Date), [FC_HistoricalForecast]))

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks for quick response. 

No, that expression returns zero value.... 

Isn't it possible to include the max date function within the brackets? 



I assume, You don't want that Alternate State to effect into Data. May be try

=Sum({[P1]*$<$(sIgnoreFieldsWF), Date={$(=Max(Date))}>} [FC_HistoricalForecast])

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor III
Contributor III


That doesn't work either. 

This expression gives the value at max date (not taking the alternate state in consideration): 

Sum({<[FC_StoreDate]={'$(=vMaxDateFC)'}>} [FC_HistoricalForecast])

I've tried replacing the date section in your proposed solution with this expression, but doesn't get it to work. 

Sum({[P1]*$<$(sIgnoreFieldsWF), Date={$(=Max(Date))}>} [FC_HistoricalForecast])




Community Manager
Community Manager

@Hoowling  Are you using Qlik Sense or QlikView?  I would like to move this into the correct product forum. Thanks.

Sue Macaluso
Contributor III
Contributor III

I'm using Qlikview


Maximum date will consider alternate state since there is one identifier of open/close methodology. May be @sunny_talwar  will help, Instead try this way for a while?

Sum({[P1]*$<$(sIgnoreFieldsWF), Date={$(=Max({[P1]*$<$(sIgnoreFieldsWF)>} Date))}>} [FC_HistoricalForecast])

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Try using a "Field Event Trigger" (in Document Properties / Triggers) - when date field is changed (due to other selections) it changes to assign the value to a variable - 

Create a variable vDate

The trigger has an Action of Set Variable

Variable name : vDate

Value =max(Date)

then you can use the variable in set analysis or if statement in expression 

sum(if date>$(vDate), whatever)

Former Employee
Former Employee

The only things I can provide in addition to what Anil has been trying to help with are the following Design Blog posts:

There are some related posts at the bottom of that post, just FYI.

If you wish to further search the Design Blog area, use the following URL:

The only other thing I can offer is Help link too in order to check things there:

I also am fairly certain Sunny is taking some time off, so not sure if he will see things, just wanted to give a heads up on that too.  Unfortunately I am not much actual technical help to you, apologies for that.  


To help users find verified answers, please do not forget to use the "Accept as Solution" button on any post(s) that helped you resolve your problem or question.
I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.