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Hi All,
I am facing an issue on adjusting data points in combo chat,
the required output of the chart should be like
but our chart output is appearing like below shown.
How to move values on data points on top of each combo bar as shown in first pic, for example in third bar(70%) is in incorrect position. For the values on data points i am using third expression and keeping that bar expression as invisible.
May be try with these, Chart seems simple Bar chart but your title showing Combo Chart. Please confirm that which chart is that
1) To set single bar - Please check Stacked Radio Button
2) To plot and showing good data points, May be check vertical option from Presentation Tab of that object
Is 'Bar' unchecked also? on the expression's tab?
Hi Sunny,
No Bar option is checked, if i un-check the Bar option the color code for values is not appearing.
I have given below shown options for values expression,
Hi Anil,
It is combo chart only, the same chart is reused for several other KPIs(conditional enabling) so we can not change it to Bar staked/grouped bar chart.
No Bar option is checked, if i un-check the Bar option the color code for values is not appearing.
Color code for values is not appearing? Not sure I understand
How about this?
Because, I used this when i was with same issue. That time i have 20-25 values with Good Visualization. I just convey and discuss with the client regarding this. So that, They've agree with me finally and i proved my self too.
Hi Sunny,
Currently bar potion is checked.
if i Un-check the bar option in expression tab colored values for values on data points are not appearing. FYI please find below.
For more info the % values are having separate expression i.e to show values on data points.
Would you be able to share a sample where you are trying this out? Might be easier for me to play around with a little to see if I can get what you want
Hi Ganesh,
How did you calculate the % expression value, Can you share the Snapshot of the calculation.