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I have a pivot table showing count of Activities recorded for AsOf each day for last three months.
What i want is highlight changes as compared to previous day,
if count for OCT'16
AsOF 4Jan = 100
AsOF 5Jan = 120 <Greater than previous day
AsOF 6Jan = 110 < Less Than Previous day
stalwar1 swuehl gwassenaar
Attached is sample app.
Many Thanks
May be this as background color expression:
If(Column(1) > Before(Column(1)), LightRed(),
If(Column(1) < Before(Column(1)), LightGreen()))
The attached sample only has 2 dates, right? 1/4 and 1/5? The image shows 4 dates... I guess that should be fine, but just wanted to make sure I am looking this right?
yes it only has 2 dates; just started with the app,
I just added more dates for the example to be clearer
Thanks for looking into it
May be this as background color expression:
If(Column(1) > Before(Column(1)), LightRed(),
If(Column(1) < Before(Column(1)), LightGreen()))
Thanks a lot Sunny