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Concatenate tables and then add columns


I have two files that share the same fields (although one of them has more fields then the other). What I want to do i concatenate then into one table, and then add some extra columns to the new table with calculations in.

Here's  a shortened version what I've tried, what happens here is that the tables are concatenated correctly, but the extra columns aren't appended added to the end. (You can ignore the functions - they all work correctly and have done for a few months - I just need to append the new data to the "CustTable" before these rules are applied). Also if you could explain why this is not working I will know for next time.







(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);


Load [Planned Qty] as [Qty Ordered],

[Sched Date] as [Req Date],

[Sched Date] as [Load Date],


[Qty Press],

[Qty Trim],

[Qty Edge],

[Qty Finish],

[Qty Glaze],

[Item No],

[Item Description] as Description,


[Workorder] as [Sched Batch],

Progstage as [ProgStage],

[Qty Handov]



(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);


Concatenate(CustTable) Load * resident WolstTable;

LOAD*, YEAR([Load Date]) AS [LoadYear];

LOAD*, MONTH([Load Date]) AS [LoadMonth];

LOAD*, WEEK([Load Date]) AS [LoadWeek];

LOAD *, IF(FINDONEOF(UPPER([ProgStage]),'FG')>0,RANGEMAX(0,[Schedule Qty Open]-RANGESUM(RANGEMAX(IF([Qty Glaze]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Glaze]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Handov]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Handov]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))))),0) as [Qty To Glaze];

LOAD *, IF(FINDONEOF(UPPER([ProgStage]),'ARWDEHIJKLMSTNOV')>0,RANGEMAX(0,[Schedule Qty Open]-RANGESUM(RANGEMAX(IF([Qty Finish]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Finish]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Glaze]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Glaze]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Handov]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Handov]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))))),0) as [Qty To Finish];

LOAD *, IF(FINDONEOF(UPPER([ProgStage]),'BC')>0,RANGEMAX(0,[Schedule Qty Open]-RANGESUM(RANGEMAX(IF([Qty Edge]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Edge]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Finish]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Finish]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Glaze]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Glaze]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),IF([Qty Handov]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Handov]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))))),0) as [Qty To Edge];

LOAD *, RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-RANGEMAX(RANGESUM(IF([Qty Handov]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Handov]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))),[Qty Trim],[Qty Edge],[Qty Finish],[Qty Glaze],[Qty Alloc],([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))) as [Qty To Trim];

LOAD *, RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-RANGEMAX(RANGESUM(IF([Qty Handov]<=([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0,[Qty Handov]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))),[Qty Press],[Qty Trim],[Qty Edge],[Qty Finish],[Qty Glaze],[Qty Alloc],([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))) as [Qty To Press];

LOAD *, RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])) as [Schedule To Pick];

LOAD *, RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-RANGEMAX([Qty Picked],[Qty Shipped])) as [Schedule Qty Open];

LOAD *, IF([Sched and Date]<>'No Schedule Info',YEAR([SchedDate]),'') as [ScheduleYear];

LOAD *, IF([Sched and Date]<>'No Schedule Info',MONTH([SchedDate]),'') as [ScheduleMonth];

LOAD *, IF([Sched and Date]<>'No Schedule Info',WEEK([SchedDate]),'') as [ScheduleWeek];

LOAD *, [Qty Picked]*[NetPrice(Ea)] as [Value To Ship];

LOAD *, YEAR(IF([Deliv Date]<[Req Date],[Deliv Date],[Req Date])) as [ReqYrNum];

LOAD *, WEEK(IF([Deliv Date]<[Req Date],[Deliv Date],[Req Date])) +1 as [ReqWkNum];

LOAD *, RTRIM(IF([SchedDate]='','No Schedule Info',date([SchedDate],'DD/MM/YYYY') & ' - ' & [Sched Batch])) as [Sched and Date];

LOAD *,[Qty To Pick]*[NetPrice(Ea)] as [Value To Pick];

LOAD *, IF(UPPER([ItemIsStocked])='YES',RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])),RANGEMAX(0,IF([Qty Handov]>[Qty Ordered],[Qty Ordered],[Qty Handov])-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]))) as [Qty To Pick];

LOAD *,[Qty To Make]*[NetPrice(Ea)] as [Value To Make];

LOAD *,(IF(UPPER([ItemIsStocked])='YES',0,RANGEMAX(0,[Qty Ordered]-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped])-IF(IF([Qty Handov]>[Qty Ordered],[Qty Ordered],[Qty Handov])>([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),IF([Qty Handov]>[Qty Ordered],[Qty Ordered],[Qty Handov])-([Qty Picked]+[Qty Shipped]),0)))) as [Qty To Make];

drop table WolstTable;

2 Replies

Hi Chris, long post and I have now few time to check. Just a hint in case it helps: If I undertood it right I will do something like:

1- Load WolsTable with the new metrics added using precedent load:

LOAD *, Year(...);


Note that in precedent load each load takes as source data the LOAD below them

2-Concatenate the result table to CustTable.

Looking again maybe you only need to move the "Concatenate(CustTable) Load * resident WolstTable;" to be the last sentence (so it will be the original source of the other loads), removing the 'concatenate' instruction.

After loading NewTable, concatenate the result to the cust table


At first your approach to concatenate both tables is the right one whereby you could it do directly and didn't need the "NewTable". But then you applied many preeceding loads which aren't necessary in this way. Many of these matchings could be done within one load and period fields like year/month/... should be better associated with a master-calendar: How to use - Master-Calendar and Date-Values.

- Marcus