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Hi there,
I have a bit of a weird situation and I'm hoping someone will be able to help.
Right now I have a straight table with multiple columns that have conditional formatting to show different columns based on a selection. The code for this is:
if(isnull(GetFieldSelections([Rule Description])), 1, 0) // Always shows column if no selection is made
if(wildmatch(getfieldselections([Rule Description]),'*1)*'), 1, 0) // Shows column if selection is like 1)
if(wildmatch(getfieldselections([Rule Description]),'*2)*'), 1, 0) // Shows column if selection is like 2)
This is working as intended, showing or hiding the different columns based on the [Rule Description] selection.
The problem I'm having now is getting the columns to also show or hide if the [Rule Description] column only has one DISTINCT value in it.
For example:
If someone makes a selection of a different filter ( [Code Center] ) and the selection filters the data to only have values of "1)....", I would also like to show the columns as if the [Rule Description] "1)....." was filtered upon.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get this to work? I have tried FieldValue() but I could not get it to work as intended.
Here you go..
Hi Ryan,
Unfortunately I'm looking for something to find the values of the columns not the count of them. "1)...." is actually a string value in the [Rule Description] field, not a number.
Hi Ryan,
Sorry, I based my answer on this comment:
The problem I'm having now is getting the columns to also show or hide if the [Rule Description] column only has one value in it.
because with GETSELECTEDCOUNT() it returns 1 if only one value is selected and 0 when nothing is selected. Perhaps you could use a combination:
Ah, I apologize. I meant to say one DISTINCT value in it. It could have 10-20 values, but all of them would be "1)....."
Hi Ryan,
I am not sure I understand your question. But try his
If(Count(DISTINCT [Rule Description] ) =1,1,0)
Yeah I'm sorry, I just don't really know how to explain it very well.
I have 13 different values in [Rule Description] and 15 different columns that I want to dynamically show/hide based on the value of [Rule Description]. I have it working with my earlier code that if people actually filter upon a single [Rule Description], it shows only the columns I want to show. The problem is that end users might not filter solely on [Rule Description]. So if someone filters on [Cost Center], the columns don't hide because they are looking at the [Rule Description] filter, not any others. What I want to happen is that if someone filters on anything other than [Rule Description] and the resulting table only has DISTINCT [Rule Description]s, to hide the columns as if they'd filtered on [Rule Description] and nothing else.
So I actually think you're on the right track, and what I need to do is just combine it with set analysis so that the type of rule is taken into account.
So something like:
if(count({$<wildmatch(GetFieldSelections([Rule Description]), '*1)*')>} DISTINCT [Rule Description] = 1, 1, 0))
But I can't get the syntax right.
But I also can't use GetFieldSelections because nothing is actually selected for [Rule Description].....Argh
Got it. Something like this.
If(GetSelectedCount([Cost Center])>0 and GetSelectedCount([Rule Description])=0 and Count(Distinct [Rule Description]) =1,1,0)
Ryan, I am not why you are hard-coding the specific value '*1)*. You said that you have 13 distinct values, so this will work for only the specific value and not others. I have to catch my cab so sorry if there is delay in my response (But I will surely reply within 1 hr).