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Container object

Hi everyone!

Could you, please, clarify, is it possible to apply sorting in a container object and represent only part of objects depending on buttons that are clicked on?

Briefly my problem is the following. There are few obgects (for example, 12 diagrammes) in my QV document. For each one there is a button function of which is showing these objects. To make diagramme visible you need to click on an appropriate button. And I want these objects to be sorted depending on chosen buttons.

One expert in community helped me and shared attached example. But that decision doesn't seem an appropriate one as far as conditions  for expressions are really long in case of more than 4 objects.

Probably container object is better? Just in case if there is possible to apply sorting in a container object and represent only part of objects depending on buttons that are clicked on?

Many thanks in advance!


3 Replies
Not applicable


if u want sort all the objects u go with documents properties, there in "Sort" tab u can apply sort setting to all dimensions check it out.


Not applicable

your solution is quite clever

unfortunately it is not easier within a Container

if you only want to Display 2 of the 4 Graphs, all 4 Graphs will will be shown minimized in the Container

what might be easier is to define variables and use the variables in your Graphs

the grapghs would be easier to read, the variables would hold the complexity

Master III
Master III

Hi Marina,

Liked your concept, And i tried it.

i ) I have created the  variables in the script using loop,

ii) subfield function for separting the Value.

iii) Used concat function for delimit and the position of Chart

We can select any order in the Month Listbox, it will ascending based on the Monthvalue.


I have used the Month as ListBox (LED type).

Let me know your comments.

find the attached qvw.