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I have some data where some days are missing, so I want to show it as with "Continuous X-axis". The problem is that it then shows ALL dates, even weekends (Saturday, Sunday), which I don't want. There are never any data on weekends, so the charts looks very strange.
Is there any way to come around this?
I'd rather not generate null-data on missing dates.
You could add a field to the data table during the load that determines if the date is a weekday or not. Look at using NetworkDays()
Hope this helps,
Well, I don’t know if that matters? The weekends are not even IN my Date dimension to start with. It’s just something that the Chart generates when showing the Date field as Continuous.
Mathias Olausson
Direct: +46 8 405 6912
A continuous x-axis is continuous between min and max of the scale, so no weekend gaps possible.
I think you need to consider discrete dimension values, probably by generating missing values in the script.
You could try a calculated dimension with a continuous axis. Something like aggr(rank(-MyDate),MyDate)