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In provide sample data I want to check the count of Emp who was not present in last month but not in current Month.
In given date Empcode -3 is not in Mar18,
You mean, emp in current month but not in last month? Where (textbox, chart...) and how (selection..) do you want to see the output?
Hi Tresesco,
Emp in last month but not in current month. i want to see it text box all emp count, in chart all emp who was in last month but not in current month with the month selection.
Hi lalit ,
did you mean present last month, but not in current month?
yes. Present was in last month not in last month.
Hi Vishal,
What is Month_tabl66 is here?
could you provide your working QVW.
month(Date) as Month_tabl66
I think you just want missing EmpCode count right?
Try like:
=Concat(DISTINCT {<Month,EmpCode=P({1<Month={"$(=Month(AddMonths(Max(Date),-1)))"}>})> - <Month,EmpCode=P(EmpCode)>} EmpCode, ',')
Use count() instead for count of the members.