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Hi all, I'm quite new to this.... I have an Excel file of names and contacts, and I want to Load this to use in a table giving users the ability to click on a cell and have their email program open a new window to create an email. Thanks.
Hi Karen,
You could use 'INFO LOAD' to link a mailto-URL to your values. Check the attached QVW for an example.
The 'INFO LOAD' statement in the script links each value in the 'contact' field to a mailto-URL; if you've made a selection in the QVW which links to 1 single 'contact' value, the (i) icon will appear in the 'contact' listbox. Click this icon, and your default mail program will open with a new e-mail adressed to this person. Google for 'mailto url' to find an explanation of what you can put into a mailto-URL.
With regards,
Martijn ter Schegget
PS: same trick also works with website URLs and filenames - Rob Wunderlich uses this last version to link to the various QlikView cookbook examples from the 'index' QlikView application.
Thank you Martijn, I've tried it and it works. I just wonder how to make this more obvious to the user..?? Any ideas?
Martijn, I've worked out a solution using conditions. Thanks for your help