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Question: Is something as described/visualized below actually possible in Qv?
I am in the process of creating a dashboard for sales representatives which consists partly of an instant overview of Customer Segmentation based on two dimensions (Customer Size and the relative market share of our company).
Based on these two dimensions each customer is classified, which in its turn has a few key performance indicators charaterizing this customer.
Now I want to build a grid (qlikview table) where per segment a complete sum is done per performance indicator. Later I also want this to be clickable per segment that a sales rep can see which customers are behind it but that is step 2. See below a simple visualization. Each of the six fields are calculated and are a variable in the database.
Many thanks in advance!
Does it have to be one table?
Try to set it up with text-objects, where you type "=Sum(Variable1)". I guess you have the Market Share and Customer Size as dimensions, which you then can use in Set-expressions in the text-objects.
All in all you then need to create 63 text-objects and text-objects with column and row text. It should be possible.
I have tried a bit with it. I will have to create a type of SUMIF formula to only sum the customers fitting a certain classification (say A1), however I reckon that can be done by writing an expression. (Still new to this)
The challenge then afterwards is that if you click this textobject that you can go into a more detailed overview of this market segment (eg A1) where it displays the different customers and their characteristics. Now I learned that you can link to a certain sheet object, but then I will have to create 36 separate sheets as the classification goes from A-I and 1-4.
Or are there any better alternatives by just having it all in one table?