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Hi All,
I had executed the below mentioned script for Creating Yearly Quarter. IF u load this script it will work fine the thing is for me Quater one Strat's from APR-JUN but in the below mentioned script it is taking Q1 as JAN-MAR how to solve this issue.
,dual('Q' & "Quarter Only" & ' ' & "Year Only",QuarterStart("Date")) as "Quarter"
,ceil("Month Only"/3) as "Quarter Only"
,date(monthstart("Date"),'MMM YYYY') as "Month"
,date(yearstart("Date"),'YYYY') as "Year"
,month("Date") as "Month Only"
,year("Date") as "Year Only"
LOAD date(today() - recno()) as Date
Try like:
Load Dual(fYear-1 &'/'& fYear, fYear) as FYear, // Dual fiscal year
Dual([Calendar Month], fMonth) as FMonth, // Dual fiscal month
Dual(fYear&'-'&'Q'&Ceil(fMonth/3), fYear*100+Ceil(fMonth/3)) as FQuarter, // Dual quarter
'Q'&Ceil(fMonth/3) as fQuarter,
Load [Calendar Year] + If([Calendar Month]>=$(vFM), 1, 0) as fYear
Mod([Calendar Month]-$(vFM), 12)+1 as fMonth, // Numeric fiscal month