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Hi Gurus,
I am trying to transform an xls into a more reportable format in Qlikview, xls format is unfortunately is as below
DeptNo | DeptName | Date1 | Exp1 | Date2 | Exp2 | Date3 | Exp3 | Date4 | Exp4 | Date5 | Exp5 |
1 | accounts | 20/02/2016 | 10 | 19/02/2016 | 10 | 18/02/2016 | 10 | 17/02/2016 | 10 | 16/02/2016 | 10 |
2 | marketing | 20/02/2016 | 20 | 19/02/2016 | 20 | 18/02/2016 | 20 | 17/02/2016 | 20 | 16/02/2016 | 20 |
3 | sales | 20/02/2016 | 30 | 19/02/2016 | 30 | 18/02/2016 | 30 | 17/02/2016 | 30 | 16/02/2016 | 30 |
I want to transform this data into below format , I tried cross table but was not able to work out how to do it easily. Please help !
Deptno | DeptName | Date | Expense |
1 | accounts | 20/02/2016 | 10 |
1 | accounts | 19/02/2016 | 10 |
1 | accounts | 18/02/2016 | 10 |
1 | accounts | 17/02/2016 | 10 |
1 | accounts | 16/02/2016 | 10 |
2 | marketing | 20/02/2016 | 20 |
2 | marketing | 19/02/2016 | 20 |
2 | marketing | 18/02/2016 | 20 |
2 | marketing | 17/02/2016 | 20 |
2 | marketing | 16/02/2016 | 20 |
3 | sales | 20/02/2016 | 30 |
3 | sales | 19/02/2016 | 30 |
3 | sales | 18/02/2016 | 30 |
3 | sales | 17/02/2016 | 30 |
3 | sales | 16/02/2016 | 30 |
Hi Guys,
I have achieved this by a short script like as below
LOAD DeptNo, DeptName, Date1, Exp1, Date2, Exp2, Date3, Exp3, Date4, Exp4, Date5, Exp5
FROM xls;
set a=2;
Load DeptNo, DeptName, Dat1 as Date, Exp1 as Expense resident [Raw_data];
Do while a<6
Concatenate (Final)
Load DeptNo, DeptName, Date$(a) as Date, Exp$(a) AS Expense
resident [Raw_Data];
Let a=a+1;
drop table [Raw_Data];
Other way:
CrossTable (Order, Name)
ApplyMap('Mat',[E-mail],Num#([Mat])) as [Matrícula],
[1) Name] as 1,
[2) Name] as 2,
[3) Name] as 3
From [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gviz/tq?sheet=Answers&tqx=ou...] (html, utf8, embedded labels);
CrossTable (Order, Born)
ApplyMap('Mat',[E-mail],Num#([Mat])) as [Matrícula],
[1) Name] as 1,
[2) Name] as 2,
[3) Name] as 3
From [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gviz/tq?sheet=Answers&tqx=ou...] (html, utf8, embedded labels);
//Mat and Order will create automatic SynKeys (No problem!)
[Name and Born]:
Resident Name;
Left Join
Resident Born;
Drop Tables Name, Born;
One solution is:
LOAD 'Exp'&IterNo(),'Date'&IterNo()
AutoGenerate 1
While IterNo()<=5;
DeptNo, DeptName, Date1, Exp1, Date2, Exp2, Date3, Exp3, Date4, Exp4, Date5, Exp5
1, accounts, 20/02/2016, 10, 19/02/2016, 11, 18/02/2016, 12, 17/02/2016, 13, 16/02/2016, 14
2, marketing, 20/02/2016, 20, 19/02/2016, 20, 18/02/2016, 20, 17/02/2016, 20, 16/02/2016, 20
3, sales, 20/02/2016, 30, 19/02/2016, 30, 18/02/2016, 30, 17/02/2016, 30, 16/02/2016, 30
CrossTable(Key1, Date, 2)
LOAD * Resident tab1;
CrossTable(Key2, Expense, 2)
LOAD * Resident tab1;
LOAD * Resident tab1X
Where Key1 Like 'Date*';
Left Join(Out)
LOAD DeptNo, DeptName, ApplyMap('map', Key2) As Key1, Expense
Resident tab2X
Where Key2 Like 'Exp*';
Drop Table tab1, tab1X, tab2X;